I posted a week or two ago that I would stop attending meetings and being an elder. I decided to wait on this after we received the June 7th BOE letter. I was interested in getting more information from other friends & family at Bethel. They wouldn't share with me if they knew I was on the outs. I'm still waiting on that, but in the meantime something happened after the meeting Sunday.
One of the elders, Brother So-and-so, called for a BOE meeting after the WT lesson. We met in the library and the PO asks Brother So-and-so what's up, why the meeting? Brother So-and-so was all nervous acting, shifting around...he hands his Pay Attn. book to the PO and tells everyone he no longer qualifies to serve because he has a problem with porn. We sat there for a few seconds, completely floored by this. I was shocked that he would tell a room full of men something like this. He told us that he had been viewing porn repeatedly over the last few years and paying for topless dancers. He told us he felt bad because of all the information that had been written lately, and the June 7th BOE letter was the final straw for him, he had to confess since it was bothering his conscience.
Some on our BOE are a tough bunch. Because this elder admitted there was some manipulation of reproductive ------ by dancer on several occasions, he might have to be DF and his wife has grounds for divorce. The judicial committee hasn't even met with him yet and they're already speculating on DF & divorce...so much for compassion. No concern for him, his wife, or children.
It is hard for me to believe that some of these elders seemed to almost enjoy having the prospect of dealing with such a "problem" and "cleaning up" Jehovah's organization. After Brother So-and-so was dismissed the elders were talking about how the Slave is really taking care of us in these last days, Satan is so busy today, and on & on. I actually felt a little sick. It is getting harder for me to believe grown people can act this way. They are so disconnected from reality.