evolution or creation? lets talk...

by Sam87 537 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Dido, okay, let's break this down, then. Which of these components of evolutionary theory do you not believe? (Please nobody pick on this list. I know it's not complete or 100% accurate)

    1. That animals very slowly respond to their environment over the course of generations, by passing traits that are more suited for their environment on to their children (via selective breeding.)
    2. That genetic mutations can occur that cause animals to develop traits they didn't have before.
    3. That life has existed on this planet for millions of years.
    4. That selective breeding can result in two related animals that look and act very, very different from each other.
    Can you tell me which of those basic mechanisms you don't agree with?
  • Beardo
    Any of you seen the "manufactured reality" of what really happens inside a Coke vending machine?

    Wow - stunning graphics... shame that stuff is a vile toxin

  • TopHat

    Sorry to burst your bubble unbeliever....BUT I am well educated on evolution...Now go learn how to figure CPU. It is obvious to me and many others that AlanF knows very little about the subject of evolution. He is a parrot repeating what he thinks he knows, but has no proof.

    So because he has no proof he wants to challenge creationist to prove there is a God. Knowing very well they can't. How dumb can he be!

    I am finished with this topic....it is getting very boring!

  • under_believer

    TopHat, other that posting links to essays on other websites, can you summarize evolutionary theory for me, in your own words? I have gone over your posting history, and I don't see any overwhelming evidence that backs up your assertion that you are well educated on evolution. If you don't want to give me a summary, can you at least tell me what specific part of evolutionary theory you disagree with?

    I say this as much for my own benefit as for yours. If there's something I've missed, I'd really like to know it.

  • moshe

    dido and others- Unless God can overule the Heisenberg's principle , I doubt that the Creator can pick and choose who to destroy and who to save at an Armageddon. Heisenberg's principle raises problems for ID supporters, too.

  • Mysterious
    Mysterious- how can you be sure that the big A won`t happen, again taking it for granted that you are right .Another self righteous person on board.

    So your only answer to me asking how you can be so sure the big A will happen is to ask me how I can be so sure it won't. Sad. Let's see. If I were to hand you a sheet of paper that had listed as it's author "god" that said on it give up all your dreams and ambitions and blindly follow the messenger that just handed this to you for the rest of your life or I'm going to destroy you at some indeterminate point in the future, would you do it? The bible says this is inspired by god. Religion would then have me blindly follow it for the rest of my life. You are every bit as self righteous in your beliefs as you accuse everyone else in this thread of being. Hello pot, this is kettle.

    So because he has no proof he wants to challenge creationist to prove there is a God. Knowing very well they can't. How dumb can he be!

    But it's okay for creationists to not be able to prove what they believe right? Oh you mean fair isn't fair. Just because you do not want to read the evidence evolutionists give and understand it doesn't mean there is none. The same, however, cannot be said for the creation side.

  • dido

    underbeliever- people and animals adjust to their enviroment, ie: living in extreme heat or cold.

    Not sure how long life has been on the earth

    2 related animals can look and act different, whats so great about that? Human beings don`t all look the same and don`t act the same

    genetic mutations-such as what?

  • under_believer


    As far as mutations go, mutations can be all over the map--from tiny differences like different colored feathers, to large changes, like lungs that don't work as well as they should (or better than they should.)

    Those biological facts are essentially all you need. If you can accept these things, you've accepted 99% of the BASIS for evolution:

    Animals pass their genes on to their offspring.
    Animals that have genes that make them better at breeding in their environment will pass their genes on more than other animals--meaning that in a few generations ALL the animals have those same genes.
    Sometimes, genes change by themselves--that's mutation (and some other stuff too, but mostly mutation.)

    I think so far we are in agreement.

    Now, take those facts listed above, and multiply them across millions of years. It might take 30 generations to make a new breed of dog that looks completely different than the ancestor breeds--what might dogs look like, given 3000 generations? How about 30,000 generations? Would it still even be a dog?

    Can one species of animal (a species is a set of animals that can breed with each other and produce fertile offspring) turn into two species of animal? (Two sets of animals that CANNOT breed with each other to produce fertile offspring?)

  • dido

    underbeliever- i do know what species means, the same species cannot change into 2 species if they are both the same species .Animals cannot cross breed, ie:horses and donkeys, otherwise they become hybrids. Anyway, i am tired now and am going to bed, goodnight.

  • under_believer

    But dido, speciation (that is, the process of one species turning into two species) does occur. It has even been observed by scientists--it's not in doubt. See this link for more information.

    Here's the deal--that's evolution. Those things (selection of traits, environmental adaptation, mutation, speciation) ARE evolution. If you accept that they all exist, and it would be hard not to, then you accept evolution.

    It's not nearly as sinister as you thought, is it? And really, if you believe in God, it's a wonderful testament to God's cunning and inventiveness. It's an amazing part of the natural world we live in, and it's yet one more glory to God.

    Evolutionary biologists say a lot more things, though--they say the biological facts listed above mean that we share a common ancestor with chimpanzees, for example. Well, I doubt you'd disagree that humans are related to monkeys--our DNA is mostly the same, and our bodies and organs and even social patterns are very similar. If you're related to somebody, doesn't that mean that you share a common ancestor with them?

    Whether you want to make that additional step is up to you. But you believe in evolution, as it stands--and you don't even have to give up God to do it. You might have some trouble making Genesis literally true, though...

    But then nobody in the world thinks that every word in the entire Bible is literally true. Nobody.

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