The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.

by Wasanelder Once 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lovelylil

    MILS - great comments. As we all know the JW's and other sects like them also interpret Revelation in their own wierd way and apply it to obscure events that no one outside their little group has any knowledge of.

    How arrogant of all of them to think that Jesus Christ would take the time to give a revelation to the Apostle John that contained no more value and no more interest than to talk about events that would affect a miniscule amount of people compared to the rest of the world. And that this mesage would be so insignificant that it relates to only a few anouncements made at conventions of bible students in the 1800's??????? Was Christ bored up there or something?

    Do they really think they are that important in relation to the rest of mankind? Lets get real here! Lilly

  • My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW
    My MILs worst nightmare, a nonJW


    I thought that your post was great!

    Use the have the Sermon on the Mount to build a religion around.....stick to that message....forget the interpretations.

    Don't send Christ to the back ot the bus. Keep him front and center.

  • lovelylil

    MILS - Amen to that! Lilly

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Brilliant W.Once.

    Send it over to the Bible Students...I'm sure they'd enjoy some "new" light.

    Good idea. Did you notice how one appeared as soon as this idea was posted?

  • Steam

    Sorry to disappoint you girls, I haven't been to a BS Convention in this century and I don't meet with anyone. Lovely Lil I know about, MLS is a new one to me. Either you have the Truth or you don't and from what I see, neither of these two lovelies have an understanding of Present Truth that is accurate. Sad. Just a couple of misfits sounding off. Won't take good advice and don't want anyone else to have it. Selfish!

    You don't even realize that Russell was not a pyramidologists. He put 61 small pages in his third Volume and said little about the Pyramid in the Watch Tower. Why don't you read those pages and learn something? Berating the man who was "that servant" of Matthew 24:45-47 exposes who and what you are. Revelation 3:18

    As I stated; I don't want to get into arguments about this but I am willing to help people who are intersted.

    Steam Psalm 50:5

  • Steam

    Good idea. Did you notice how one appeared as soon as this idea was posted? Definite indication that Jesus is watching you! Steam Psalm 50:5

  • fullofdoubtnow
    Sorry to disappoint you girls, I haven't been to a BS Convention in this century and I don't meet with anyone

    I'm not disappointed, I could care less whether you "meet" with anyone or not

    Either you have the Truth or you don't and from what I see, neither of these two lovelies have an understanding of Present Truth that is accurate

    And you do? Are you sure you're not a jw, that's the terminology they use.

    Sad. Just a couple of misfits sounding off. Won't take good advice and don't want anyone else to have it. Selfish!

    Judging now, are we? I'm seriously beginning to think you are a jw, ao a sympathiser at least. That's the kind of judgemental attitude I used to know and hate at the kingdumb hall.

    You don't even realize that Russell was not a pyramidologists

    Who said he was? And who cares? Not me

    Berating the man who was "that servant" of Matthew 24:45-47 exposes who and what you are. Revelation 3:18

    You claim CTR was the "faithful and wise servant", let's see proof

  • Steam

    Then reread Russels interpretation of Revelation which according to him was written 2000 years ago to describe events happening in the late 1800's in America and all those new fangled inventions such as the steam engine and locomotive. This is the fantasy world of an eccentric pyramidologist.

    Say hi to Freyda

    I didn't know Russell ever interpreted Revelation; may I borrow your copy? And please; Who is Freyda?

    Russell was no pyramidologist, he wrote 61 small pages in Volume 3 and barely commented on the Pyramid in the WT. I am happy that he did, cause the Edgar brothers read it and made examinations and measurements and wrote three books on the Pyramid, you really should read them. Also study the Chart of the Ages, it would help your disposition. You should know what you are talking about when you speak. Gossip mills ruin your spiritual health!

    Christian Love, Steam Psalm 50:5

  • fullofdoubtnow
    You should know what you are talking about when you speak

    So should you.

    And I don't know anyone called Freyda

  • Steam

    Good idea. Did you notice how one appeared as soon as this idea was posted?

    Definite indication that Jesus is watching you!

    Doubt I have never been inside a Kingdom Hall or to a JW meeting.

    Back in 1951 their literature said; We don't build a building; we rent a hall to meet in.

    In 1953 I saw my first KH in Louisville, it was a Quonset Hut. I said; They lied!

    Sorry you have been deceived by them and would like to help. The best help is to take your Bible and read the "Studies in the Scriptures" which Pastor Russell wrote. Find out the truth for yourself.

    After all, it is between you and the Lord! No one else unless you resurrect with the sinners into Christ's Kingdom.

    Christian Love, Steam Psalm 50:5

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