The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.

by Wasanelder Once 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • james_woods

    Remember the date 2234AD; Jesus Christ will have you in hand immediately.

    2234AD??? immediately???

    Oh well, I think we can safely say that none of us will be around to see whether it comes or not.

  • lovelylil

    Hi James,

    My hubby was reading this post last night and when he saw that date, he laughed so hard, he almost fell off his chair. Lilly

  • fullofdoubtnow
    I think Linda might have listened, she seems to have a hearing ear

    Ermmm, no actually. I respect your views, in the same way I respect others views on this forum, but I will never accept CTR's teachings as being truth. I accepted the wts teachings, which are merely a "progression" from CTR's views, for over 25 years, until I saw through them. I believe CTR was just as much a false prophet as the wts are, and I've had enough religious falsehoods in my life, I certainly don't want any more.

    I'm not looking for truth of any kind in a spiritual sense, and don't see myself doing so anytime soon. If the day ever comes when I do search for truth again, it certainly won't be in the writings of CT Russell, he didn't have it any more than Rutherford and his successors do


  • james_woods

    Well, really. I already have the feeling that all this Russell fetish and these stupid dates are counter-productive areas for discussion.

    Makes about as much sense as that thread that proclaimed Michael Moore to be Jesus Christ our Lord.

    So, in essence these people are proclaiming one date so far back in the past that nobody alive today could have seen it, and yet another that is so far ahead in the future that nobody living now will likely live to se it. ( assuming, of course, that no great breakthrough in medical science happens! )

    So what in the world is the point of even arguing over this stuff?

    I think the ultimate revelation was that statement on the other 1874 thread "the date was right, but Russell was just wrong about what was going to happen". Well, no duh. That is what you call a "false prophecy".

  • Steam

    Hot Damn! The heretics are really getting stirred up now. Attacking 1`874 as a false date; I missed that debate.

    Look here, I'll explain it to you clearly.

    The length of God's Rest Day is 7,000 years. During that time, all of Adam's family is born, lives, suffers, dies and is resurrected and judged. Then God stops Resting and takes over.. Satan is released and does the final testing on the human race; and then he and his followers are killed. All that is left on planet earth is a full house of perfect people who love righteousness and God.

    The last thousand years of that 7,000 years is the Millennium. That is when Jesus returns to earth and does his great work. 1874AD is the beginning of the Millennium because there is nowhere else to establist the thousand years after that date. Simple?

    During the fore part of the Thousand years; a "Time of Trouble" occurs. Read Daniel 12:1-4. A "Time" in symbolic language is 360 years. 1874 plus 360 years = 2234AD. Then the iron rule of Christ's Kingdom begins, 2234AD. The "regeneration" or resurrection of the sinners takes place. (Matthew 19:28) Christ's Kingdom reigns for the next 640 years, until 2874AD. Then Jehovah takes the Kingdom. The Divine Plan will run right on time because God is an exact time keeper.

    All these measures can be found in the Great Pyramid or under it in the Subterrreanan Chamber area. The Chart of the Ages that you are making fun of tells the same thing. The dotted line is 2234AD. The Pyramid on the Chart will not be perfect until the end of the Millennium in 2874.

    I know about your disappointments but don't lose out on the real understanding because of the past.

    Christian Love, Steam Psalm 50:5

  • lovelylil

    I prefer the original false prophecy charts that Russell would have used to learn his dates. He updated a bit and then tied it to the pyramid. Not a bad attempt to give more proof. Too bad none of it happened anyway. I do wonder though why God did not give the FDS Russell the original plans for a chart? Seems like a few beat him to it. Maybe they are FDS too?

    Seventh-day Adventists:

    Seventh-day Adventists:

    William Miller's original "1843 is the end" chart. Ellen White claimed God confirmed to her that Miller's chart was accurate.

  • betterdaze

    ***All these measures can be found in the Great Pyramid or under it in the Subterrreanan Chamber area. The Chart of the Ages that you are making fun of tells the same thing.***
    Steam, please explain:
    Why would Jehovah use a pagan, man-made funeral monument to the 4th Dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu, to reveal his "Divine Plan?"
    Wouldn't Solomon's Temple be a more likely choice? In fact, Jehovah told Noah how to build the Ark, Moses the Ark and Tent of Meeting, Solomon the Temple... so why is there no record of Jehovah instructing the Egyptians to build the Great Pyramid at the Giza Necropolis?
    Also, I thought Jehovah used Jesus, His Word, the Logos, to give us the Good News of salvation. The early apostles did not preach about a "Divine Plan," it was all about Jesus and his gift of salvation. Christ's followers did not base their faith on measurements of pagan burial tombs, but rather, in his shed blood.
    Jesus himself clearly stated he "knew not the day or the hour." So how did these ungodly Egyptians who lived 2.6 millennia before Christ know any more than the Son of God? Do you suppose Jehovah tricked them by means of holy spirit into using special measurements to coincide with future dates that even Jesus admitted he was clueless about?
    Last, what measurement system is used to attain the Divine Plan's dates? The numbers change drastically when you use cubits, feet, metrics, etc. Makes a tremendous difference. How do the Bible Students account for this?

  • Hondo

    "The length of God's Rest Day is 7,000 years. During that time, all of Adam's family is born, lives, suffers, dies and is resurrected and judged. Then God stops Resting and takes over.. Satan is released and does the final testing on the human race; and then he and his followers are killed. All that is left on planet earth is a full house of perfect people who love righteousness and God.

    The last thousand years of that 7,000 years is the Millennium. That is when Jesus returns to earth and does his great work. 1874AD is the beginning of the Millennium because there is nowhere else to establist the thousand years after that date. Simple?

    During the fore part of the Thousand years; a "Time of Trouble" occurs. Read Daniel 12:1-4. A "Time" in symbolic language is 360 years. 1874 plus 360 years = 2234AD. Then the iron rule of Christ's Kingdom begins, 2234AD. The "regeneration" or resurrection of the sinners takes place. (Matthew 19:28) Christ's Kingdom reigns for the next 640 years, until 2874AD. Then Jehovah takes the Kingdom. The Divine Plan will run right on time because God is an exact time keeper." Mr. Steam,

    Just a couple questions; and I'm sure you have logical, well informed answers...

    you talk about days, years and time in your mail (parts of it quoted above). I was just wondering, what time, what numbering, or other similar criteria, was the, let's say, 7000 years as the length of Gods' rest day, based on? And, how can you have a 7000 year "day"? Obviously it's not a 24 hour day as we know today. Are the years 365 day years? What time standard is used? Pacific, Mountain, Central, East Coast, or maybe Hawaiian or European time...What? In your last paragraph above you've got all kinds of "time" stuff going on. Sheeeeeeesh!!! Your Symbolic Language time theory thing... Again, what sort of time is this. 24 hour days? 365 days in a year, or something else? What kind of time keeping system is God using? What standard, if any? Pacific standard time, Eastern standard time? What? To me a day to him may be a billion years, or more, or it may be a nanosecond, or less, or something in the middle. Prove to me everything you state above. And Don't bring any of Russel's pyramid crap into you calculations. Thanks.

  • Steam

    I prefer the original false prophecy charts that Russell would have used to learn his dates. He updated a bit and then tied it to the pyramid. Not a bad attempt to give more proof. Too bad none of it happened anyway. I do wonder though why God did not give the FDS Russell the original plans for a chart? Seems like a few beat him to it. Maybe they are FDS too?

    Too bad Lil; right off you can spot an error on this Chart. It says the 69th week ended at the cross. That is wrong, the 69th week ended 3 and 1/2 years before the cross. Messiah was cut off in the middle of the 70th week.

    And Russell never connected the Pyramid to the Chart of the Ages in any fashion. He made the Chart long before he learned of the measurements of the Pyramid. Please LIL try to get things straight.

    The tenth chapter of the Revelation is about Miller, he took his wall charts into churches and preached over all of the NE United States. He made an error of three years in his calculcation of the 2300 days. Should have started in 454BC. But he started in 457BC and wound up in 1843. Then he made some errors about what the date meant. He decided it was the date of ur Lord's Return to earth; and that the earth was to be cleansed.

    It should have been 454BC - 2300 years = 1846AD. The time was not for the Lord's return. It was a date for(the sanctuary) a class of people to be cleansed of the errors of Papacy. But thru his errors Miller drew attention to and interest in the Lord's second advent. There had to be wheat here for the Lord to find when he arrived in 1874. The Bible had been turned loose in 1799 by the King of England. (Rev. 9:14) There were over two hundred million Bibles distributed by 1874. (Rev. 9:16) These were the 200 million horsemen (Bible students in the 19th Century)..

    Many people have been disappointed by expectations that failed. The Second and the Seventh Day Adventists groups were the result of Miller's disappointment.

    The result of Russell's disappointment have been many groups; the JW's among the largest body. Don't let bitterness ruin your life. Check up on the things you were taught and get them straight in your mind.

    Christian Love, Steam Psalm 50:5

  • Steam

    Niether the WT organization, nor any of the bible student groups, nor any of you as individuals, nor anyone else EXCEPT Christ can tell anyone wether they are in HIS BODY or not. And it is rather arrogant of you and others to believe you can do so.

    Well LiL, I may be arrogant, I shouldn't be; Lord knows that. None of us know that we are in the body of Christ but we must assume so until we die. Many voices have tried to stop the hope of being in Christ; from being put forth. Rutherford and Johnson did it and a few others in various ways. As I see truth the Christian hope is all that is available now, others close the Door. There is no earthly "call" yet and there won't be. Jesus will wake up the dead sinners and giver them a chance for life in his Kingdom. Eternal human life is the reward.

    I have no idea of what the Lord thinks of me; never done much in life to be proud of; just hope he finds a place somewhere that I can have life of some kind. I appreciate the truth I have learned, there have been some hard knocks but such is life, win or lose. As I see it the thing for me to do is help those who I may be able to help. I don't have good recall of scriptures but a few things are in my mind. I hate to see the bitterness on this board, wish I could do something to help.

    Christian Love, Steam Psalm 50:5.

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