"Hondo: 24 hour days, 30 day months, 360 day years. Jerusalem Time.
Genesis 1 tells of creation during the six days (epochs)
Genesis 2:2 tells that God rsted on the seventh Day. God has been resting 6,132 years now. At the end of the 7,000 years he takes the Kingdom. Thus we know that one day of the week of Creation is 7,000 years long. The other days must also be the same length, 7,000 years.
The count of the chronology begins in Genesis 5:3, with the "begats". They continue to Genesis 11:32. and 2250BC. The Flood Deluge ended 2472BC..Subtract 427 years from 2473, =2045BC, date of the Abrahamic Covenant.
Then Israel sojourned 430 years, take 430 fron 2045 and get 1615BC the years of the Exodus.
Then Exodus 12:40, Deut. 8:2, Joshua 14:7,10; Acts 13:20
Then the Kings of Judah in Acts 13:21, 1 Chronicles 29:27
Follow the Kings of judah thru 2nd Chronicles. to 2 Chron. 36:20,21 whic h is 536BC
Then the 46th link is Ptolemy's Canon which brings AD 1. After that is 1874 years to Sept. 1874."
HUH! Oh yea, the above clears everything up real good.....NOT!!!
Steam you need to get a life. Take a couple steps back and try to rationally listen to all the good people on this forum. There are a ton of great comments. Open your heart and mind and try to understand. It's not that hard. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not make accepting him as savior that difficult; either you do, or you don't. There are things we will never understand, in the bible and other documents, this is ok. There are many things that we will understand, in the bible and other documents, and this is fine too. No need to make things complicated.
Have a wonderful day.