The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.

by Wasanelder Once 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once


    You sound like an inactive or insincere Bible Student. Why not just hunker down and practice Present Truth as you know it so you can make the calling of yourself a sure thing? It's all so comical. Every religion is built around the old, "Do as I say, not as I do".



  • Steam

    Sue; The measurements are in the stone, the Egyptians didn't know about them but as you measure down the floor of the Descending Passage, each Pyramid inch counts for a year. At the entrance to the PIT is 1874. 40 inches inside the PIT is 1914 on the North Wall. Across the rough floor of the PIT is 320 inches to the South Wall. A Blind Tunnel runs south from the South Wall for 640 inches or years. This symbolizes Satan being in the Pit and sealed.

    Add 1874 plus 40 plus 320, plus 640 and you get 2874, a thousand years. The Pyramid was there before we had the Bible.

    The Judgment of the Church was to be in the forepart of the Millennium, then it was necessary for them to have as much knowledge as possible, so Jesus provided Present Truth thru Pastor Russell. It informed the Household of Faith of understanding, "meat in due season". Jesus allowed Russell only that portion of truth; NOT all of the truth. The mistakes were over ruled or ordained as Jesus saw fit; to test the consecrated. Russell was in the right hand of Jesus. Revelation 1:16. Any truth he absorbed or any mistakes he made was under the supervision of Jesus Christ. The brethren of that day were riding Russell's coattails into glory, but the shake up cleared them out. Read all of the Volumes and get the understanding you really need.

    Christian Love, Steam Psalm 50:5

  • Steam

    Once, that is what I am trying to do. I don't want religion I want truth and Russell is the best I have found. I'm as sincere as I can be. I may be a hypocrite but I hope not. If you people have something better than Russell, show it BS do not have the boss situation that JW's have. It's much different.

    team Psalm 50:5.

  • Steam

    Hondo: 24 hour days, 30 day months, 360 day years. Jerusalem Time.

    Genesis 1 tells of creation during the six days (epochs)

    Genesis 2:2 tells that God rsted on the seventh Day. God has been resting 6,132 years now. At the end of the 7,000 years he takes the Kingdom. Thus we know that one day of the week of Creation is 7,000 years long. The other days must also be the same length, 7,000 years.

    The count of the chronology begins in Genesis 5:3, with the "begats". They continue to Genesis 11:32. and 2250BC. The Flood Deluge ended 2472BC..Subtract 427 years from 2473, =2045BC, date of the Abrahamic Covenant.

    Then Israel sojourned 430 years, take 430 fron 2045 and get 1615BC the years of the Exodus.

    Then Exodus 12:40, Deut. 8:2, Joshua 14:7,10; Acts 13:20

    Then the Kings of Judah in Acts 13:21, 1 Chronicles 29:27

    Follow the Kings of judah thru 2nd Chronicles. to 2 Chron. 36:20,21 whic h is 536BC

    Then the 46th link is Ptolemy's Canon which brings AD 1. After that is 1874 years to Sept. 1874.


  • Steam

    Once; I am inactive. 80 years old last February; have clots thru my body and legs, can't walk over a few steps. I'm not whining, you have to take what comes along. trust in the Lord.


  • jayhawk1

    Steam said,

    Remember the date 2234AD;

    Why? By that date I will likely be dead for about 200 years. So much for the end being near.

  • Hondo

    "Hondo: 24 hour days, 30 day months, 360 day years. Jerusalem Time.

    Genesis 1 tells of creation during the six days (epochs)

    Genesis 2:2 tells that God rsted on the seventh Day. God has been resting 6,132 years now. At the end of the 7,000 years he takes the Kingdom. Thus we know that one day of the week of Creation is 7,000 years long. The other days must also be the same length, 7,000 years.

    The count of the chronology begins in Genesis 5:3, with the "begats". They continue to Genesis 11:32. and 2250BC. The Flood Deluge ended 2472BC..Subtract 427 years from 2473, =2045BC, date of the Abrahamic Covenant.

    Then Israel sojourned 430 years, take 430 fron 2045 and get 1615BC the years of the Exodus.

    Then Exodus 12:40, Deut. 8:2, Joshua 14:7,10; Acts 13:20

    Then the Kings of Judah in Acts 13:21, 1 Chronicles 29:27

    Follow the Kings of judah thru 2nd Chronicles. to 2 Chron. 36:20,21 whic h is 536BC

    Then the 46th link is Ptolemy's Canon which brings AD 1. After that is 1874 years to Sept. 1874."

    HUH! Oh yea, the above clears everything up real good.....NOT!!!

    Steam you need to get a life. Take a couple steps back and try to rationally listen to all the good people on this forum. There are a ton of great comments. Open your heart and mind and try to understand. It's not that hard. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not make accepting him as savior that difficult; either you do, or you don't. There are things we will never understand, in the bible and other documents, this is ok. There are many things that we will understand, in the bible and other documents, and this is fine too. No need to make things complicated.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • lovelylil

    The problem with Steam is that in his fierce loyalty to Russell whom he feels brought him to truth, he is denying Jesus Christ.

    He said about Russell "he is the closest to truth I have found". Note what the bible says about Jesus Christ;

    John 14:6
    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

    for most of us Christians, Jesus is the closest thing we have to the truth. The bible is all about him, not Russell. And while Russell is great at playing bible hop-scotch and pulling out texts and linking them together with others, it was all for naught as Jesus "the truth" said very clearly;

    Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father

    And NOT ONE scripture gives any support to the linking of the scriptures that Russell used to support his theories. And NOT ONE thing that was supposed to happen did happen. Lilly

  • Steam

    HO HUMMMNNN, same old attitude; no wonder these people are in limbo.

  • Steam

    Our Lord Jesus Christ did not make accepting him as savior that difficult; either you do, or you don't.

    Wake up man; this is not about your accepting the Lord; it's about him accepting you! So you jumped into the WT org. and finally found they did not understand the truth; you get out and bad mouth Russell and everyone who accepts his writings; that's negative! Do something positive like studying. Find out where the WT went wrong and what it takes to correct your understanding.

    I gave you a little chronology which you asked for but you haven't the guts to study it! Throw a fit about how hard it is. Big deal, Jesus can really use people like you. Go on wander around crying about the Russelites; they don't need you. You need them.

    Steam Psalm 50:5

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