How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Popping in for a minute. Up for the usual, then a bite, back to the sack. Had to tell you quickly [moi?] though that I awoke from a Superman dream. Never quite had the big red "S" on my chest, however. Dressing for the prom, school bus fails to pick up kids, I have to go and "pick up" one in order for her to make it to the dance on time. Talk of all the convoluted, mixed-up, delusional dreams of grandeur.
    Headin' back to bed to see if I ever get to don the cape.......


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Never got back into the Superman role. NEW DREAM SERIES: whilst waking up and still groggy at G'ma's house, aunt by marriage invites me to a game of Gin Rummy - say yes - then head off with no explanation in a little red roadster to an out-of-town wedding, deliver the flowers, visit a KH in the works that resembles a church [statues, pointy roof, etc.], dress in drag. Awake is so much saner. Not as fun. But saner.
    Today I feel up to some goals, the ones missed yesterday. Sorting through hundreds of prints, preparing for mailings, deciding on reissues. Try not to be overwhelmed. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat till procedure becomes natural.
    Wishing all my friends a prosperous and joyful day, and if there be storms, may there afterwards be calm....................


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Just asked the Masters about your frequent disappearances. Maybe I'll get the truth from them as you are always so reticent. TWS? Don't know that it really matters. Maybe it's no more than idle curiosity - or the need to know.
    Off to do errands and laundryland. Cannot do bath towels in bathtub; well, I can, but they take forever to dry. And they're crunchy once dry.
    Perhaps a bit of a stroll. I'd love to do a Forrest Gump "walkabout." He ran; I'll walk. Someday. Tomorrow?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Haydn's last symphony - the 104th - has just finished; now the NPR headline news [all bad - war, violence, etc.] Completed my afternoon tasks with a tad of flourish. Visited with family of former student gone pro. Excellent! Mt. Hood [Oregon, USA]climbers - 3 of them - were found in good condition. Well, NPR finished happily; no market #s, though. I believe they give those out on the 2:00 news, here on the West Coast.
    Dang! - he who hesitates is lost! The video store sold "Logan's Run"! Thread on that movie a day or two ago. Said I was going to rent it on dollar night - Monday and Wednesday. Glad I found "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Ennio Morricone [sp?] is getting a lifetime achievement award at AA this month. Over 400 movie scores, 5 noms, but no Oscar to date. The words of the movie title are in reference to the differing sounds of the musical instruments and vocals: silver flute, ocarina, guys singing off-key. And the score's an absolute all-time hit! Go figure, but I love it. Off beat, out of kilter, totally unorthodox - the stuff of a classic..........
    "Finlandia" - Sibelius - has begun. I always have an alibi with NPR!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Can't wish you good morning as you've been missing for 18 hours, DD! We won't get into it now. Gotta get to school - music and literature lessons with the kiddies. Cleaned out Fibber McGee's closet during your absense. That much is good; no more avalanche of clothes. I'm my "dad" for outward appearances and my "mom" for squirreling stuff away willy-nilly. Most conflicting.
    Gotta go, DD. Please be here when I return!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Finally back after a long and tiring day - but a good day, nonetheless. Upbuilding talk with friends and family, time with the little ones, trying to be a good family man and friend. Sometimes it clicks - enough is said to make a point, but not too much to cloud the conversation. Keeping within respectful boundaries and according honor and dignity to the other person. Being helpful but not invasive of the other's privacy. Allowing him to figure out some things on his own. A good and productive day.
    And tomorrow? If tomorrow comes, I'll get back to you.............


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Yesterday's "tomorrow" does appear to have arrived. Give me more coffee! Got news from bank that an 8-month-old check was cashed and I'm overdrawn 40 cents, which requires I be penalized nealy $20! Must call BEHEMOTH BANK and make reparation. No comment on my current attitude.
    Wishing friends a beautiful day, free of banking-error incident!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Keep trying, don't give up - that's what I tell others. My efforts will not be rewarded if I give up now. At times I feel on top of the world. Later, the very same day, I am a non-entity. But isn't that true of those whom I encourage as to their own worthiness? Then they, on another occasion, advise me in the same manner when I need some encouragement. Patience's and Effort's reward is my wish come true.
    I feel the need for continuous mental-readjustment. Reinvention of the self. What worked yesterday doggedly refuses to extend the least effort on my behalf today. Expectations and realistic daily accomplishment - e'er the twain shall meet? I dunno. I want anonymity, but recognition too. To come and go freely, but then to have someone say, "Oh, can't you stay just a little longer?" Am I alone in this?
    Of course not!

    C... [scream of consciousness ramblings]

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I guess it's just you and me. Is there a point any longer if no one is listening? Perhaps I bore myself now. Good night.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I need to talk - about alcohol. It has nearly ruined my life. No, I don't drink. But someone I care about does. The lull before the storm. No word for weeks.


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