How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change,
    courage to change the things I can
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    I'm seeing my Al-Anon and Alateen friends tonight. They will gladly tell me more. They have returned from hell - not unscathed. But returned. They have already given me hope.


  • misanthropic

    ::I need to talk - about alcohol. It has nearly ruined my life. No, I don't drink. But someone I care about does. The lull before the storm. No word for weeks.

    ((((((((CoCo)))))))) I hope this person you care about is OK, any word yet? It's a very rocky road caring about someone who suffers from this. You should talk about it, it willl probably help immensely (not only you but others as well).

    ::I guess it's just you and me. Is there a point any longer if no one is listening?

    I'm here - I look foreward to reading your entries everyday. Please don't stop now CoCo, you have way too much still to share with those of us that hang on your every word.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I honestly thought I'd never see you again and my dear, new friends! AT&T changed access codes and everyone was getting invalid username notices. NO NET! It took 5 phone calls and walk through tech issues with no dedicated phone line to verify success (or failure). But here I am! AT&T agents were wonderful and patient.
    Thanx for validation MAT and r. More later on Schizo and my Al-Anon new adventure. A dear JW friend is helping me. Seems that here there is no JW flack about AA and affiliates. We have tons of alcohol-related problems here among - guess who?
    Love and peace, dear ones!


  • restrangled

    Glad to have you back.


  • stillajwexelder

    is this your longest thread minimus?

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Still find it hard to believe that I'm back. Being walked through multiple steps on WINDOWS 2000 and making new connection - WIZARD - and selecting a different modem setting [original modem was not making/getting [?] response from phone line]. Well, the sun is shining again!
    Off to music class momentarily. So good, DD, to be writing upon your pages once again. Till later,


  • misanthropic

    I'm glad you're back too CoCo, and your internet is up and running! Welcome back, you were greatly missed.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Talking with an elderly neighbor today reminded me of something I had read earlier by Dr. WAC : HOW TO START LIVING AND STOP WORRYING - EXCERPTS BY DR. WAC []. Thomas Carlyle is quoted as having said, "Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand." My neighbor worked for an international enterprise, and while not hired specifically as an "efficiency expert" or "method[s] engineer" [I believe there is a newer title], he was often contracted to clear up muddles.
    There was an instance of a huge parts inventory that could not be properly utilized due to "mismatched" description-to-parts inventory listings. He devised a simple method that got everything in stock out in the open and identifiable. No matter the "description" [brand- name confusion], the employees recognized instantly that there, in front of them, were all the parts - save a tiny number missing - that they had ever needed. He explained that the highly educated ones were often in a state of panic over glitches. He knew, however, that it was simply a matter of taking the time to CALMLY AND QUIETLY analyze the problem, then seek the solution.
    Well, anyway - the conversation reminded me of the article and the need to concentrate your intelligence and enthusiasm on doing today's work superbly. Later - how I put together a home and garden store in a similar manner.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    We have all loved and lost. But how do we deal with the loss?

    "Wisdom is usually acquired at the cost of great pain,
    but Judith Viorst has written a wise book so wittily, and
    so well that she makes us wise almost painlessly.
    NECESSARY LOSSES is a wonderful book, one of the
    most sensitive and comprehensive books about the
    human condition I have read in a long time."
    --- Rabbi Harold S. Kushner
    Author of WHEN BAD

    Reading Ms. Viorst's book can aid in the recovery of any loss.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Only a few hours ago she greeted me, The Magnificent One, balanced upon nothing, an upright, silvery bowl. La Demi-Luna was encased by jewel-like stars that were clearly visible, only because her glory was suffused.
    I went to find her, but she has hidden her face behind a steely blanket of gray that falls upon me like a shiver-inducing wrap. I have returned to my warmth but will, for a certainty, seek her yet another time.


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