How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Yes - breathing room at all costs! Too many people is one too many. Yes, r. Outside in a black dress [suit for me] just for for the space. I'm toughing it through the AA. Just forced myself to turn it on - the crowd is contained and I control the volume.
    Alan Arkin got OSCAR for best-supporting actor - "Little Miss Sunshine." [break time] Leo Di Cappucino on next to present something special. will return. Ellen D. is the hostess. "Letters From Iwo Jima" doin' well so far........
    James Taylor singing "Our Town."


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm glad I watched the Awards program. I do nothing special ever, so this was a real treat for me. I really do want to see some of these films: "The Labyrinth of Pan," "The Queen," "Dream Girls." If "The Departed" is rated R, whatever should I do? FFwd through objectionable scenes, like when someone gets shot or a scoundrel says "darn it"? Of course, I have to review the film intact so I'll know at what point to skip ahead. But what if I accidently skip through a portion of poignant delicacy that would be of true uplift to the spirit? Could I maybe perhaps get a special dispensation from........ [time to quit].


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I am speechless as far as conveying anything meaningful to you is concerned. But now I think of Forrest Whitaker's very moving acceptance speech at the ACADEMY AWARDS last night. The focus on a dream come true. His only real experience as a child going to the movies was from the back seat of the family car at the local drive-in. He said you have to stick by your dream. Maybe more of his words will come to me later; they were truly inspirational.
    I recall how exciting it was for me to experience the dimming of the lights, the huge curtain drawing back and 20th CENTURY FOX flashing across the screen, its brassy fanfare blaring, advancing on the theatre patrons like a huge wall of sound. Before the days of stereo. Love it to this very day. Was pretty cool at the drive-in too. Minus the curtain, however.
    Horowitz playing Mozart's "Piano Sonata # 10 in C Major." He read Wolfy's letters as a help to understand and interpret the Master's music.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Sad news from a friend in my home congregation. He told me that a mutual JW friend, and former Bible student of mine, recently had died. He was a few years older than I. Incapacitated prior to his death, he had difficulties that left him quite frustrated regarding his interaction with others as well as physical activity.
    We studied very intensely in the mid-70s, and at the moment our study of the publication should end, we were slated to go DTD, per his request. I was mortified, as I was recently returned from Bethel, and my personal life was a shambles. This one little gem in my life - a study with an intellectual [he and his wife were teachers] - the morning spent in study, with lotsa food and coffee supplied by his hospitable wife, was going to readjust to a different and uncomfortable playing field for me: Field Service!
    When we finished the book, he scheduled the usual study morning for FS in its place. I prayed for death. You know how you don't wanna wake up and then you find yourself always waking up in spite of it all? Reminds me of the Indian Chief in "Little Big Man" who lay down to die, awaiting the departure of his spirit, and waited....... rain hit him in the face - Oh! Forgot his words, but he knew he wasn't dead! Anyway, the day arrived, I was scared as H... as to how to train a newbie when I was so unsure myself. Didn't matter. He talked at all the doors. The unbridled enthusiasm of a convert.
    We hadn't talked in years. He had a falling out with some brothers and I don't know much of what happened afterward. His outlook became quite jaded re: the JWs. Wish I knew more. So sad to lose a friend.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Off, at last, to laundry land, washing clothes, and towels and hands! So much good info on the board today, DD! - hard to get out the door. Still raining here at 1500' and several feet of snow already in the upper elevations. It was so bad over the weekend that skiers interviewed said it wasn't possible to do their thing.
    Keep the home fires burning, DD, though our hearts are yearning............


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Back home and it's still pouring rain. Picked up a WT and AWAKE! at laundromat. Will give me something to examine under a strong light with my grandfather's magnifying glass. I could have left them there with warnings emblazoned upon their silly, pompous faces, but no - I have to read them to see if they stand up to scrutiny. Truth has nothing to fear - right? I feel bad only because I most certainly know who leaves them. A heart full of love for one's fellowman or a convenient time-starter - which?
    One dear anointed sister at Bethel held up a sub-renewal slip and said that it had the potential of saving someone's life, thereby making her humble effort of processing those infernal scraps of paper truly worthwhile. No doubt in my mind about her sincerity.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    By This Time Tomorrow
    Be The Type To
    Break The Tyrant's Trust.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    The storm has finally passed - beautiful and clear, but a very brittle cold sweeps over Walden Pond. The sky once again reveals a broadcast of sparklers. Strange, I just awoke from a dream where I had found a cache of diamonds and other precious stones unfamiliar to me. A reference, perhaps, to the lovely jewelry adorning so many a throat and wrist Sunday night.
    Read more disturbing info re: WTB&TS. So what's new? I feel the grasp tightening around the guileless and innocent membership. I don't doubt the GB - or whoever's in control - will sell the sheep down the river. Six screens will be very effective - I hope.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    A cold and beautiful morn. Icy deck and stairs. Be careful or the next step may be your last. Brain may not be in gear for a while. This always seems to occur after a very productive and fulfilling evening.
    Guess we all need a little down time.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Being the timorous type, Bob thought that today - by the time that Brother Thomas took the bus to the Tower - Brooklyn'd tumble to the brink, then the theocratic brothers'd torture the timid.


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