How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    [Sorry for putting you to sleep, BT! It would have been far easier just to type BTTT eight times.]

    Snowing in town. Saw an interested one at the market who was disappointed that the meeting might be cancelled [my aside: "Please, yes. Permanently!"]. She plans on being baptized and must start making more meetings. All I could say was to be careful and safe on the roads. I remember that joy and enthusiasm, but so misdirected. Simply wasn't the time to say any more than that.
    Oh my!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm worried; it's snowing heavily where it rarely snows - here at 1500 feet. My family is traveling now - a couple miles away. They have to climb another 2000 feet.
    I just heard sirens. All I can do is wait. They are used to travel in the snow. They're not worried. How do I turn off my worry?
    Power's coming and going......... Must go..............


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm trying to stay occupied and not worry. My calls are not getting through. It's just another day, not to worry. It's not like we have to report each one's daily comings and goings. Inherited this troublesome trait from my dad. And here I thought I was doing better. The roads are probably jammed like in the higher elevations earlier today.
    Those sirens sure got to me.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm watching "Armaggedon" - Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler. BW mentioned the 6 billion inhabitants of the earth. Hear that figure frequently as the non-surviving element, in contrast to those who supposedly will survive the big "A" [6.5 million].
    Skewed thinking. Specious reasoning. Wrong conclusions. JW theology.
    Snow is melting. It would look beautiful if the moon were shining upon it. She hides, veiled by a grey blanket.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Thank you Lord! The call came through - nothing worse than some spin-outs en route and having to do some digging at destination. In the process, I have learned that my cell phone works - absolutely - in the house. Loud and clear. No need to get a dedicated line or rely totally on voice mail and the slight inconvenience of message retrieval.
    But I hate hearing the phone ring. Quit your whining! You talkin' to me? You're the only one in the room!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I imagine all the schools'll be closed today, except in those lower areas where the buses can get through safely. My deck still has quite a bit of snow. Heard clumps of snow falling from roof last night as the temperature rose and snow was no longer holding fast to the composition shingles.
    "Hansel and Gretel" - Engelbert Humperdinck playing about the waves even as we speak. Charming opera. Not a good time to be lost in the woods. White-out conditions not so very long ago. Bread crumbs would go soggy.
    I'm hungry. Coffee sounds good, too. "The Maiden and the Nightingale" - Enrique Granados has begun. Incredibly gorgeous melodic line. NPR news item: Pablo Picasso in his "blue period" at time of EG - $66 million in art by Pablo stolen Monday night in Paris, from G'dotter's house. Two paintings. Ouch!
    Momentarily forgot I am hungry. How could I be so thoughtless?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Going through family albums - some over 70 years old. Copying photos for a relative who's working on family tree. Have names of family members going back a couple hundred years so far - great great great so-and-so. Probably could add a few more "greats" into the mix.
    A wonderful day to all!


  • new boy
    new boy

    To Cc

    You speak of every little thing except who you are!

    We don't want to know your name.......We know they still have you in the fear mode....and that is fine many have passed that way...........take your time my friend........after death there is life.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I have been taking evasive measures as I have been threatened locally, and that for befriending depressed and suicidal JWs, as well as DFd ones. By putting together all the pieces of my carefully laid-out puzzle, those who know me will recognize me. I am unable to say more than I have already said because of repercussions to innocent ones. I couldn't care less about myself.
    I object, NB, only to the fact that many near and dear to me HAVE been mentioned by name. I feel no need to explain further. Much grief has been caused me on this account, though it was done unwittingly. I bear no malice.

    "Never complain, never explain." --- the motto of a dear, old friend.


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