Would you date someone with a history of INCEST?

by kristyann 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    As doubtless dozens have said it isn't incest to have a relationship with your cousin.

    The real issue seems to be as tallpenguin said more to do with his jealousy over you keeping contact with previous beaus. If he is that insecure at this early stage that you cannot talk to an ex without him feeling threatened then I can;t see much of a future. The same applies the other way round. My ex's are like brothers and best friend's to me and I wouldn't dream of dating someone who had such a low opinion of themselves that they thought remaining close friends with previous life companions would alter my feelings for them or worse.

    The world would be a better place if we all could get on with our ex's.

    Good luck in what ever you decide to do.

  • Lumptard


    Not quite as bombastic an opinion as 'she said no but she really meant yes', but it's right up there.

    Woah...We're talking about two completely different things here...I'm talking about coercion...you're talking about forcing sex. Of course a man can say no and then the woman could force herself on him, but that isn't the case here. They were both willing participants.

  • whyizit

    I'm not so naive as to think that this kind of thing doesn't happen, I've even had some high school friends confide in me about such things, but it was teenagers. Not that being younger is any excuse, but sometimes younger people do tend to have very poor judgement and a lack of self-control in certain areas. This guy was clearly old enough to know better.

    Depending on how old she was at the time, it could be that the cousin is using it as a tool of manipulation over him. Or, another way to look at it is, he could be a pervert, trying to get the upper hand by confessing to you first. Then should she spill the beans, you have already heard his version. That way, he already has you convinced that he is being victimized by her.

    Either way, I find it rather odd that they would want to stay in close contact with each other. Unless there is a little more to the story than you know. It's a very unhealthy relationship. Is there the potential for a repeat performance, under the right conditions? That is what I would be most concerned about. If they were both willing to go that far, being adults and knowing better, then who is to say it may not happen again. Especially is they are still chummy.

    If it happened when they were very young, I would say let the past stay in the past. But that is clearly not the case. If you still think you want a serious relationship with this guy, I would make sure he received some counseling. Insist on it, or all deals are off. Sounds like a recipe for future family upset, no matter what. If you like drama, that is what your life is going to be full of.

  • Snoozy

    One more comment..if your boyfriend is so worried about this cousin's blackmail theory..why would he tell you? He has to realize that if you get mad at him you are also a threat? You could always do the same thing....

    Got to be more behind this story....


  • cyrus

    Yeah why not at least she could say with honesty that she was a FAMILY woman

  • Rooster

    Safe sex is fun..

  • GetBusyLiving

    I think this entire scenario is really fishy to me. I'd bet there is a lot more to this story than you are aware of, but that is pure speculation.

    You sound like a really nice girl, and I think you can do better than this cousin-railing manic control freak. Just be strong and have faith in yourself. There are lots of really nice guys out there around your age that you would probably be a better match with.


  • kristyann

    Sass, thanks for the welcome back. I'm glad to see you again! Yeah, I know, I gotta run. Now my problem is just gathering up the courage to actually do it. Snoozy, good point. The blackmail story just doesn't add up, because he's obviously telling me and I could also blackmail him if I really wanted to. whyizit, you're right... and I DON'T like drama. I feel like I'm too young for all this crap... actually, scratch that, I don't want all of that drama at ANY age. It does seem awfully fishy to me that they'd still have a close relationship. Not healthy or normal or right at all, in my opinion.

  • kristyann

    GetBusyLiving... thanks. I think that I should realize that I can do better, too. But I need to have that faith in myself and I don't have that right now. Like some people suggested to me on this thread, maybe some counseling is in order for me, too.

  • detective


    this has an icky factor that would force me to terminate a relationship. That is just not cool.

    I know you're fond of him but that's just too freakshow-ish. My guess is he's telling you about it so that he can work through his issues now. That's terrific- he needs to work it out. Hopefully he'll be smart enough NOT to mention it to a future girlfriend someday now that he's treated you to a big cold shower of information. Your recoiling in horror should be a red flag for the fellow that he's "over-shared". The guy has baggage. Big, heavy, weird baggage. I'd bow out.

    In the immortal words of our dear poster Nosferatu: "he just 'cock-blocked' himself".

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