If your mate cheated on you, could you forgive?

by avidbiblereader 106 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Crumpet

    Well i think its because I spent most of my 20's absolutely fraught with dread that my boyfriend would cheat. To the point I had constant nightmares about it. And I just decided I had done more worrying than if it actually had happened and that was ridiculous. And so I started thinking about how I would react if it did happen and decided I'd much rather be dignified and besides having been a cheater I wouldnt have any right to be so judgemental.

    Jeez at this rate by 40 people are gonna be paying for my little gems of wisdom! LOL!

  • karnage

    It's kinda hard to say at this point. We never really know until we are placed in that situation. And I would hope that none of us would be placed into that situation, but reality is another thing. I would just hope that I am good enough of a man to not cause my wife to wander in the first place.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    This topic reminded me of something I came across the other day on the web. It's a boyfriends public revenge on a cheating girlfriend that happened live on the radio. Pretty ruthless stuff if you as me.


  • Abandoned
    And I know this might sound odd but before I could forgive, I want to sit in the room and watch them do it one more time. I want her to face me and I don't want to "imagine it" ... I want to face the problem head on.

    Well in that case, of course I'd forgive them. Hell, just like Love Connection, I might even pay if they want to go out again...

  • nsrn

    This topic is something pretty painful for me right now. I thought all my life that all moral dilemmas like this were black and white, clear and understood. Good people don't have affairs, so the "innocent" mate would be self-righteously horrified (and blameless and victimized by the evil adulterer). Well, things at my house are not so clear and defined any more.

  • lola28

    Lola has a question, for those of you that have had your mates cheat on you, what bothered you the most the fact that they had sex with someone else or the fact that they lied to you?


  • Abandoned

    Lola has a question, for those of you that have had your mates cheat on you, what bothered you the most the fact that they had sex with someone else or the fact that they lied to you?


    Both pissed me off sufficiently, but if I had to choose one or the other, it would be thy lying. It wasn't even just the lying, but the lying to make up for the lies.

  • Crumpet

    nsrm - it sounds like you are in a very difficult situation. I dont know if you have already posted on it but whatever it is that troubles you right now I hope you can find a solution. ((((nsrm))))

  • Junction-Guy

    My Grandpa (non-jw) cheated on my grandma for many years, before divorcing her in 1979. He left her for another woman and was remarried within a week of the divorce being final.

    The elders blamed my grandma and said it was her fault that he cheated. The funny thing is he also cheated on his new wife too. Both him and his new wife cheated on their former spouses, and he still ends up cheating on her, and if the truth be known, she probably cheated on him too.

  • lola28

    This thread made me sad, **sigh** I think we should all just give up and do what Bill Maher has been doing for years, it seems to work for him.


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