Taking One for the Team

by Perry 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Perry

    Sir writes:

    I'm just trying to figure out the logic of a God who is incapable of evil demonstrating his love by creating beings which are capable of evil, then punishing them for exercising that option.

    I don't justify my existence at all.

    Sir, could you please describe in detail what such a world might look like where evil was an impossibility? What does that kind of existence do to "choice" Are choices without consequences really choices?

    It seems like to me you would just rather be hooked up to an IV with a really good drug and exist that way instead of allow your Father to empower you.

  • betterdaze

    This "shoot the messenger" hijacking happens all the time here... and it's TIRING.

    A Christian believer makes a statement about WT doctrine... then non-believers jump in and attack his/her belief in God/Jesus or the bible.

    Perry was making a point about Jesus addressed to lurkers, most of whom are JW's who believe in Jesus and will be attending the Memorial in a few weeks. He was trying to open their minds to the basis of a ceremony whereby millions earth wide openly reject the religious figure who supposedly founded their belief system.

    So sorry so many of you missed that! Perry was carrying over a timely point made by another poster, and this thread could have helped active Witnesses or those with doubts see the Memorial as what the other poster described, a "showy display" and a "publicity stunt."

    If you want to discuss the WT's rejection of Christ at the upcoming Memorial, and educate a few lurkers along the way, great! You need not be a believer to do so; the Watchtower has mucked it up very well on their own.

    If you want to argue the very existence of God/Jesus, simple: Start another thread.

    But why derail this one, shoot the messenger, and turn away the audience (JW lurkers) it was intended for?


  • sir82
    Are choices without consequences really choices?

    Good question. Of course the answer is "no".

    Now here's another question:

    Is "free will" really "free" if there is a "right" choice and a "wrong" choice?

    I.e., God says, "you have free will, you can choose to sin or not". Well and good - but if he later says, "if you choose to sin, I'll punish you eternally" - well, what choice do I really have?

    If a robber holds a gun to my head & says "your money or your life!", well, technically, I do have a choice - but what are the consequences of making the "wrong" one?

    It's kind of like the JWs saying "it's up to each individual to determine if he will accept a blood transfusion" - of course, if you do accept one, they D-F your patootie out the door.

    Here's another question:

    Granted, choices without consequences are not really choices. So why design a universe where a "wrong" choice can lead to untold suffering for billions of persons for thousands of yeears? Including innocent babies who have never sinned at all, who starve to death slowly & painfully before their first birthday?

    Couldn't God have designed a universe where "wrong" choices lead to, oh, say, "discomfort", or "a less than ideal life", or "somewhat unpleasant conditions"? Rather than "Gut wrenching physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual suffering for billions, repeated ad infinitum, ad nauseum for the whole of human history"?

    He's the grand designer - before there were any [capable of evil] beings in existence, God was planning this whole thing out. Knowing that a "choice" of evil was bound to be made, why proceed according to "Plan A", where the universe is hostile & the innocent suffer by the billions? Why not go with "Plan B", where the universe is just, the sinful pay for their errors, but the innocent are spared?

    By the way, still not angry!

  • Perry


    You're making me laugh thinking about all those jokes with peoples names like Matt, Bob etc. that have no arm and no legs!!

    You are acting just like the screaming child in the parable trying to figue out why in the world God hasn't consulted you in his over-arching good that he is accomplishing that dwarfs the evil done.

    Here's a few hints (not that I have a complete understanding of God's purposes):

    1. None of us are God's children. Get it? He has no responsibility toward any of us whatsoever.

    2. Our original spirits are missing that Adam had. God was his father because the spirits were one and the same. The spirit of them both, God and Adam were the same. By contrast, our spirits are dead... inherited from our fallen father Adam. God is not your father!

    3. God chose to interact with humans who were not his children and who by their own moral calculations deserved death.

    Like my other opponent Sir, you cannot provide a moral justification for your own continued existence just as he agreed that he cannot. You cannot describe what a world might look like free of the possibility of evil and thus provide some sort of moral foundation for you to logically launch your accuasations against God. Therefore, you are reduced to throwing a fit because you do not totally understand the Infinite Mind, something by the way that is ultimately impossible and a waste of time, not withstanding the great benefit of the part He has so far revealed.

    You could however study that which is finite...yourself and utimately get to the end of yourself. When you get to the end of yourself, God will be there to be your Father and He'll invite you to be his son, but not before.

  • JamesThomas


    I just have a hard time following you on the Infinite God concept of yours. Are suggesting God is an indifferent albeit Infinite force? Ok, I'll go with you. So, how does that address your sin and the difference between what you aspire to and what you do? How do you escape being rightfully judged (regardless if it ever happens in your view) by how you judge others? I mean morally it should happen irregardless if it ever does or not so that a concept of justice can exist.

    How do you resolve this problem?

    See that there is no problem.

    Rest from the drama in the mind. Realize the pristine Wholeness which all fragmentation and problems exist within. Use acute, silent, conscious-awareness to investigate into the core of being and existing. Sincerely and earnestly question every idea, belief and concept of what the mind defines "self", "God", and "universe" to be. Accept only what is undeniably, unquestionably and unequivocally true and real.


  • Paralipomenon

    Actually Perry, you are assuming that because I am arguing religious theory, that I'm a religious person. You are quite incorrect. I merely enjoy religious debates. Every theory needs a critic to challenge it's merit. If you don't mind me being a critic, I shall continue to examine your theory. But please don't think I'm trying to justify my own beliefs here so personal jabs will be extremely useless in goading me. =)

    Back to the topic:

    How would you say Genesis 3:22 fits into your theory?
    "And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.""

    In what way did we become like God and what means were available to man to redeem himself? (as evidenced by the tree of life)
    If we were capable of self redemption, why would God try to hide that from mankind?

    Also, are you basing your beliefs on the bible account, or on your own interpretation of God?

  • startingover

    If I read the first post on this thread as a JW, I wouldn't have given it a second thought. In fact, it would have just confirmed my belief that I was right, calling the person a poor mislead Jesus freak And now that I have left that and oher fantasies behind, I find it so hard to comprehend how someone can come out of the JW's and then hop in Jesus' lap. In fact it really gets me irritated to hear an ex-JW talk that way, especially when there's this idea expressed that somehow Jesus chose him and not me.

    Why is it that believers always call foul when someone challenges them? If a non-believer started a thread directed at another flavor of non-believer (is there such a thing?), you would never hear them whining about some believer hijacking their thread, in fact they would love the debate. No believer ever answers that question.

  • Inquisitor
    This "shoot the messenger" hijacking happens all the time here... and it's TIRING.
    A Christian believer makes a statement about WT doctrine... then non-believers jump in and attack his/her belief in God/Jesus or the bible.
    Perry was making a point about Jesus addressed to lurkers, most of whom are JW's who believe in Jesus and will be attending the Memorial in a few weeks. He was trying to open their minds to the basis of a ceremony whereby millions earth wide openly reject the religious figure who supposedly founded their belief system. - betterdaze

    Oh get over your martyr complex, sister!

    Why do Christians of your variety always assume that people are against your attempts at proselytism? It is not your Christian-making efforts I find offensive, but the way in which you talk down to those who do not share your holy intimacy with Christ.

    Given Perry's sanctimonious-let-me-show-you-what-a-sinner-you-are tone, he is opening chasms, not minds. I'm amused that you even think that this tactless messenger has a chance at affecting lurkers the way he is meant to. The messenger is inept. He should be grateful that we're even bothered to point this out to him.


  • Perry
    Why is it that believers always call foul when someone challenges them? ... No believer ever answers that question.

    Starting Over,

    Where did I call foul? .. since you use words like "always" and "no believer ever". By the way, would you care to explain how you personally justify your own existence in light of your own moral failures? All my other opponents failed to do so. Will you fail as well? Or, do you just not like those that ask the wrong questions? Independent thinking I believe it's called. Share with us your enlightenment.

    Paralip wrote:

    Actually Perry, you are assuming that because I am arguing religious theory, that I'm a religious person.

    Where did I assume that?

    In what way did we become like God and what means were available to man to redeem himself?

    Like I said before, Adam received the knowledge of good and bad directly from his own spirit which was from God. He could not know this information in his mind because he had no experience and he was a finite being with knowing limitations. He simply adhered to the governing principle that goverened his mind. When, he ate of the tree of G & B he chose to determine with his finite mind what was good and bad the same way God determines with his Infinite Mind the same. His spirit deflated as God withdrew his "breath" of life as he promised he would if the wrong choice was made.... there were consequences, thus freedom.

    In this way he became like God positing moral determination within his own self. Man cannot redeem himself. However, just as we didn't ask to be born with a moral deficiency, we also didn't ask to be granted a full pardon, a new vibrant spirit, and sonship with God. Yet, that is on the table for all. Why don't you accept God's offer since it is abundantly apparent that you cannot save yourself.... from yourself? What is it that keeps you from Christ since you've nothing to lose except a little hurt pride from acknowledging that you can't get to where you'd like to be morally? Millions of people will testify that it is working out beuatifully for them, even as they suffer the fallen word around them. I highly reccommend it myself, but that's just me.

    Sir writes:

    He's the grand designer - before there were any [capable of evil] beings in existence, God was planning this whole thing out. Knowing that a "choice" of evil was bound to be made, why proceed according to "Plan A", where the universe is hostile & the innocent suffer by the billions? Why not go with "Plan B", where the universe is just, the sinful pay for their errors, but the innocent are spared?

    You sound as if there have ever been humans that were innocent, like there are some people that are sinful and some that are not. Where are these people without the propensity to sin that God treats so unjustly as you claim?

    They do not exist except in your illusion you construct by which you seek to accuse God. Instead of focusing on your own lack of justification for existence, you seem to seek to deny God's right to exist, even though you accept his Infinite existence.... even if it is only for the intellectual instrumental purpose of attacking Him.

    To sum this thread all up:

    1. My opponents agree that they are all liars, thieves, and adulterers. (as I was btw, and my flesh still is)

    2. They wisely do not even attempt to morally justify their own existence.

    3. They seek to deny God's right to exist by accusing him of things that they agree cannot be understood by finite minds.

    4. Thus they cannot complain if God chooses to judge them by the standards by which they judge Him.

    5. They presently reject God's pardon, even though they admit guilt.

    6. They lack faith like the screaming child in my parable and experience discord unlike the other children who accepted what was given to them and experienced joy.

    7. They refuse to just have a beer with me and fugetaboutit, since this thread was directed to lurkers who unknowingly reject Christ unlike them that do so knowingly.

    With that I'm outta here! Thanks to all for a wonderful discussion. No hard feelings toward any of my opponents. To each his own. If it floats your boat do it. If the boat sinks call a Jewish Carpenter. I hear he's coming to a Kingdom Hall near you April 2nd.

    Peace to all!

  • betterdaze

    Inquistor, please get a grip.

    Did I state that I'm a Christian? Where did you get that from?

    I do use the bible quite frequently to point out flaws in WT doctrine on this board. I try to do so in a way that does not offend lurkers. Please show me my attempts at proselytism, my Christian-making efforts. In fact, they're non-existent.

    Trying to get a topic back on track is not talking down to anyone, but it certainly seems to hit a raw nerve with you as you were the first to do so.

    I'm LMAO at this this "holy intimacy I have with Christ" that you speak of. Where the heck did you pull that out of? If Christ exists, he's never paid much attention to me.

    Again, shoot the messenger. You prove my point.


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