So far by their silence, Inquisitor and (on another occasion) James Thomas have admitted to being liars, theives and adulterers. I'm sure that I could ask Kid-A the same questions and get the same silence and therefore the same admission of guilt.
Apparently, this is their version of freedom, simply closing the mind to such realities and marginalising people who examine the contradictions of our existence. If that is your choice, fine. I suppose that I am guilty of unapproved thinking....sorry, get over it. So far none of my opponents have said one word how they live with their crimes. I guess you all just close the mind and it all magically goes away. It appears that you have simply traded the cognitive dissonance as a WT slave for the cognitive dissonance as a slave of sin. If you all don't want to address the contradictions of your own existence, your own crimes, and your own chronic failed aspirations, then let's just all go have a beer and fugetaboutit.
Notice, Perry, how you tenaciously place emphasis on what divides us. I have been attempting to point to what unites us: That, which has no beginning and no end.
The price of shrinking what is actually INFINITE (and so can be realized as the foundational reality of everything) down into a personal-little-deity engraved in the imagination of the mind, is intensified hostile division: basically equating to those within the little circle of the deity, and those outside. Blindly ignoring what unites us, and instead supporting and reinforcing what seemingly divides us, is insanity; the prime cause of all suffering.