Dear Sir,
Where exactly was the false accuasation? You do not know the scriptures.
You who preach against stealing, do you steal? 22 You who say that people should not commit adultery, do you commit adultery?
The apostle Paul preached this way and so do I. Ever lied about anything Sir? Ever stole anything..... no matter how small? How about looked with lust at a married woman, or at any woman while you were married? Jesus said that just looking at a woman makes you guilty of adultery. Ever done that Sir? Be truthful? Well have you?
These are just three of the ten cammandments. I do not need to know you personally to know your guilt. You also know your guilt.
Ever wished something bad to happen to someone who lied to you? cheated on you? stolen from you? You know the drill. This is what you can expect from your future, the exact form of justice you mete out to others?. You have more power than you realize. You are creating your own destiny.
Just because I point out your guilt, doesn't make me a false accuser. But calling me a false accuser for things that you are actually guilty of does make you a liar.