I work with a lot of people who are VERY sexually active. Which should mean they are real happy, right? After all, isn't sex the best feeling in the world and that is why we have such a strong internal sex drive. The thing is, they are not even close to being happy. Most are depressed, in emotional conflicts with people and simply not the life style of joy you would want to think. So I was wondering, as a former Witness, many of us take the stand that sex out of marriage is okay. Is it though? Do you feel like a better human being, for having had sex with multiple people in your life? Should sex remain as something that is only for a married couple? Just wondering what others thought about this.
Why do you support having sex out of marriage?
by free2beme 58 Replies latest jw friends
Why wait until you're married?
If one is in a comitted relationship or marriage, keep the sex there. If one is single, do as you please.
Personally, I lived both sides and I liked the act, but it meant more married. My spouse was a virgin when we married and never knew the other side of the fence. Sex out of marriage, or at least a commited relationship, if often more complicated then it is worth. At the same time, most people do not seem to see it as anything that is that big of a deal and maybe that is the root reason for the emotional issues. Who knows.
I see your point; all the married people I know are blissful, hence the term. And whenever anyone says about someone else "he/she 'just needs to get laid'", everyone else just looks at them like "wtf are they talking about?", because we all know that not-getting-laid reduces stress levels to nil, and generally makes a person more personable and centered.
Bad Comparison~Monkey, bad!!!
F2B - I think a lot of it has to do with why you are having sex. If people you work w/ are screwed up inside and they are hoping to find happiness thru many sexual partners, then they will continue to be unhappy and messed up. A lot of it has to do with motivation and the root of their depression.
The one thing I know is that I am not going to marry a man w/o having spent a considerable amount of time w/ him and that includes between the sheets. That being said, I have no desire to ever get married. So, I guess that means I will continue to "support having sex out of marriage".
Because there is very little or no sex while in a marriage.
Because there is very little or no sex while in a marriage.
People keep saying this and after 14 years married, I have yet to experience it.
Didnt the wise king from the bible have 1000 partners? I wish I were only as wise as he.
Do you think he had 3-somes, 4-somes, or more-somes?
Didnt the wise king from the bible have 1000 partners? I wish I were only as wise as he.
Do you think he had 3-somes, 4-somes, or more-somes?
hehe, Sigh... If only I had money like King Solomon. I'll be dreaming of the "more-somes" tonight.