what stealth said
Why do you support having sex out of marriage?
by free2beme 58 Replies latest jw friends
Why should we be limited to one spouse?
I'm gonna say right now, that I'm no expert, I'm a virgin. (No lie)
The thing is, they are not even close to being happy. Most are depressed, in emotional conflicts with people and simply not the life style of joy you would want to think.
But do you think they would be happier if they abstained from sex? They could stop having sex and still be depressed and miserable. I know plenty of people who don't have sex outside of marriage (as far as I know) and are miserable. I don't think sex has anything to do with it, it's their lifestyle that needs to change.
Do you feel like a better human being, for having had sex with multiple people in your life?
I think a better question would be: "Do you feel like a worse human being, for having had sex with multiple people in your life?" Because humans do all kinds of things that don't make us 'better' but if they don't make us worse then there's no problem. Drinking multiple different kinds of soda doesn't make me a better person, but neither does only drinking one kind.
Should sex remain as something that is only for a married couple?
Yes if it's important to you... if you think it's wrong, and it would damage you emotionally, then do what you think is right. But for those of us who don't think there's anything wrong with it, then we should also do what we think is right. There is no 'yes or no' answer, it's a decision each individual must make. I personally don't think that there is an all-powerfull prude who has the right to tell everyone else what to do with their own body. So without god, sex becomes a choice. Lore
I don't think sex is all it takes to be happy - unhappy people have more problems than just that. As for sex outside of marriage - the important thing is whether you've taken a vow to be faithful to one person. Keep your word, or end the marriage, but don't screw around on your mate. As for unmarried folks having sex with each other, ain't nobody's business but their own. I admit to having had a lot of fun that way when I was younger and I don't feel guilty about it. I have some good memories. While I was married I didn't cheat, and now that I'm getting divorced, I'm a lot older and not interested in the dating scene so who knows what will transpire?
In all other ways you get to know someone first before you commit yourself to them......................why wouldnt you want to get to know them sexually......................what if they snort like a pig during sex and you find this seriously off putting..........wouldnt you want to know before you saddled yourself with Pig sex for the rest of your life.........
work with a lot of people who are VERY sexually active. Which should mean they are real happy, right? After all, isn't sex the best feeling in the world and that is why we have such a strong internal sex drive. The thing is, they are not even close to being happy. Most are depressed, in emotional conflicts with people and simply not the life style of joy you would want to think. So I was wondering, as a former Witness, many of us take the stand that sex out of marriage is okay. Is it though? Do you feel like a better human being, for having had sex with multiple people in your life? Should sex remain as something that is only for a married couple? Just wondering what others thought about this.
I know far more unhappily marrieds than unhappy singles or unhappy couples in relationships I have to say.
If I had not had sex outside of marriage I would still be a virgin now and certain holidays wouldn't have been nearly as fun.
I am not against marriage but I just dont have any designs on it right now.
I feel like a more fulfilled human being for having had sex with different people - of course I think maybe if it were in double figures and not triple that would be better but hey .... okay just joking! ;-)
Realistically all humans are very jealous about their intimate partner and will feel very hurt and humiliated if they have sex with someone else. This makes extra marital sex unwise.
It's a prudent idea to have solid permanent relationships so that children can grow up in a stable and healthy environment, don't want aggravated dysfunctional parents in a tense environment, and divorces. Focusing and investing in one partner is therefore the practical thing to do.
At the end of the day couples need to have children otherwise their wealth will be inherited by strangers and finally their nations will disappear.
At the end of the day couples need to have children otherwise their wealth will be inherited by strangers and finally their nations will disappear.
If I thought like this then I doubt I would ever have sex at all! LOL!
Anyway I have no wealth and don't want kids and don't give a toffee if my "nation" is subsumed.
Personally I think sex is GREAT!!! in or out of marriage. BUT! I believe if two people could come to gether as virgins ( male/female/)& learn all about the joys of sex between them only--- It would make for happier marriages ( O.K. snicker if you wish) BUT I also think it is better NOT to marry if it is only for sex ...then go do it with whom ever you wish ( as long as they KNOW it is only for a time( Better not to vow & never pay)
I think sex should be the expression of LOVE !!! enjoying the closeness, the being ONE!!!!
Not just Wham !Bam! goodbye Sam!!! Makes it cheap....<<<< so you think I am that ????
What Grace said