Witchcraft - Would you use it?

by Sirona 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974
    Gary, you seem a bit upset with what I said, well I just expressed my own thoughts no offence intended. But hey if you are right those things will one day come back to universities and if not I haven't missed much ;-)

    Not so much upset but concerned - no offence taken. Often what we write on the board can get lost in translation as its impossible to measure tone (unless someone tells you to f*** off LOL); there was no offence taken but I did think your view was very narrow and not based on any real knowledge of the subject. Gary

  • LittleToe

    You write:

    Christianity has allowed itself to be infected by a patriachal and almost misogynistic society where womens rights and roles as teachers have dwindled away... Its a sign of our prior indoctrination that we assume much about things we simply have little or no knowledge about...

    A number of denominations have women Ministers, Elders and Deacons (e.g. Church of Scotland, Lutherans, etc.), so it would appear that things are coming full circle. The majority of church members continue to be female. That having been said, I would agree with your general premise that there has been quite a bit of historic (and often currently perpetuated) "backwardness" to many of the world's religions, including Christianity. LT, of the "demonishing generalisations, one at a time" class

  • mkr32208

    hah hah hah hah hah hah

    Look at me! I'm Harry Pooper! I mean Potter, yeah potter thats it!

    Magic witchcraft wicca psychic phenomenon... It's all garbage that appeals to deluded 12 year old goth fan's. Grow up, there is NOTHING out there...

  • diamondblue1974
    I think you'd be quite surprised at the number of highly educated and well-placed people who practice some form of occultism.

    Winston Churchill was a Druid!

    So was Judge Rutherford

    OK I lied about the second one but the first is true and well documented!


  • asleif_dufansdottir
    As for Enypt, well what can I say, they were advanced when looked from the standpoint of hunter-gatherers but quite backward from our modern standpoint ;-) but I respect your views.

    Ummm....backward in what sense, exactly? How exactly do you think modern people are more 'advanced'?? Outside of some technologies.

    You are aware that the concept of "social evlution" is rejected by social science now, right?

    For that matter...how are foraging societies (formerly known as hunter-gatherers) more backward thatn ancient Egyptians? You've never heard of the 'original affluent society' argument? Modern foragers, even when pushed by more powerful agricultural (or otherwise modern) societies to the very edges of livable ecosystems only spend a couple of hours a day 'working'...hardly "living by the sweat of their brow". Course, they consider grubs and other such things edible but most, when interviewed after being forced into 'modern' society, remember 'the good old days' when they were still foragers and lived better and worked less.

    (fresh minted MAs in anthropology know all this stuff )

  • Sirona


    I don't know if witches sell their houses more quickly, it depends if they're all bothered enough to do a spell. I've also heard they have to watch for houses landing on their heads

    OK so we're in agreement about possibly doing a study on fertility as affected by magick. Hypothesis "Women who are the subject of a specific pagan ritual are more likely to become pregnant within three months of the ritual than are women who have had no such ritual performed for them".

    How we'd measure whether they were actually having sex enough is another matter! LOL. I'm sure some guy around here would enjoy the job of ensuring that the women were regularly exposing themselves to the "right environment" for fertilisation!


  • MariAruet

    I don't remember who but someone said "Why is it never that nuclear physicist is abducted by aliens but always some nutcase" likewise I wonder why is it that scientists do not embrace those ideas you are talking about if they are so good, after all they are eager to find any new method that works.

  • Sirona
    As for Enypt, well what can I say, they were advanced when looked from the standpoint of hunter-gatherers but quite backward from our modern standpoint ;-) but I respect your views.

    Someone else asked this but I feel I must also ask you to explain how they were "backward". Do you mean because they didn't have similar technology?

    What is backward to you anyway?

    What are your religious beliefs?


  • diamondblue1974

    I knew if one post was going to get LT out of his new marriage bed, mine would have to be it given his hatred for generalisations and Christian bashers LOL.

    A number of denominations have women Ministers, Elders and Deacons ( e.g. Church of Scotland, Lutherans, etc. ), so it would appear that things are coming full circle. The majority of church members continue to be female.

    Agreed, there are some Christian denominations which do allow female ministers but they are still in the minority; I am not aware of the statistics but will take your word for it that the majority of church members are female. Whilst this might be the case they are still subject to a patriachal religious environment ruled predominantly by men. Whilst there are some female ministers, are there many females further up the hierarchy? Congratulations by the way...are you back on home soil yet - if not when are you due back? Gary

  • Sirona

    Why are you making blanket statements with no idea what the hell you are talking about?

    I don't remember who but someone said "Why is it never that nuclear physicist is abducted by aliens but always some nutcase" likewise I wonder why is it that scientists do not embrace those ideas you are talking about if they are so good, after all they are eager to find any new method that works.

    Guess what? Some scientists are religious. Some are pagan. Shock horror! I even know a pagan scientist. In fact, these guys look really "backward" http://pagan-alliance.com/staticpages/index.php/focuspocusstatp Also this link shows the percentages of scientists who believe in God, http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/sci_relig.htm - albeit fairly low, it still shows that around 7% believe in God and 20% are agnostic (not sure either way) Sirona

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