Women and Men....Can they be 'just good friends'........

by fifi40 100 Replies latest jw friends

  • fifi40

    I regularly talk to a poster on this board via the PM system...............mainly because I like his mind.......today he suggested in reply to something I had said that basically men and women dont do friendship.........he asked the question 'why do people even bother with each other if they dont fancy each others intimacy?'...............not that he was suggesting this about us.........but I am just wondering what you lot think.

    It has been my experience to have some wonderful men friends...........I love mens company and their conversation..........now I am wondering if all those 'mates' were/are after something else............well not really........I am pretty sure at least some of them arent.

    So whats your view/experience.........can men and women just be good friends.

    Oh and to my friend who I PM.........this is not a criticism of you.........I am interested in what others experiences are..........and I will give you a big kiss (on the cheek) one day when I see ya to make up for it.........


  • misanthropic
    It has been my experience to have some wonderful men friends...........I love mens company and their conversation.

    Most of my 'closest friends' are male. I've heard people say that men and women can't be just friends because guys don't waste their time talking to women unless it's because they want to be with them physically. Actually I have only heard guys say this though. I only know that in my life I have only a couple "girlfriends" and several "guyfriends". One of my closest male friends is married and he has small kids- I'm also friends with his wife but he and I just have more in common. My closest friend in the entire world is male as well. So I say yeah of course men and women can be "just good friends". I think that's barbaric to assume just because someone is male means they only want you for sex, some men are a little more intellectual than that.

  • free2think

    I like to think it is possible. I personally get on better with men then women, but that's to say i don't get on with women too.

  • ex-nj-jw

    I have a very close male friend (just friends), I value his opinion and he mine. He talks to me about his women problems, I discuss my (hubby) problems and questions that the opposite sex is sometimes confused about. There has never been any suggestion that he thought of me any other way than just friends.

    Sure I'm living proof men and women can be friends.


  • eclipse

    I have both close female and male friends of all ages...

    we have alot in common, we share laughter and tears, so far none of them have turned romantic.

    Yes, I think men and women can be just good friends.

  • LtCmd.Lore

    I have a female friend. I've gone to her house and fixed her computer, she made me a meal. We are just friends... she's 70+ years old.

    So what if she was 60? 50? 40? 30? 25? 20? 18? 12? 4? (Okay if she was four she probably wouldn't make a meal OR own a computer.)

    But sure, why not? Most people have friends with the opposite sex, they just don't think about it in sexual terms, because of the age difference.

    I have lot's of female friends that are my age too. And to the best of my knowledge, they don't consider me their boyfriend. (At least I hope not, otherwise I may be in trouble.)


  • TheCoolerKing

    Hmmm, how come more guys aren't answering this question! LOL

    While I have had both men and women friends in my life, I have to say that my friendships with women have lasted longer. In fact one of my best friends is a woman that I've known for 7 years. She and I actually started chatting online and had even considered dating. Although we met a couple times a few years ago, we eventually moved on to other people. But we have stayed in touch ever since. She and I have discussed the relationships that we have had with other people. She has given me the female perspection and I have given her the male perspective! We have been there to support each other in our times of trouble as well. She's an awesome person!

    Yes, it's possible...


  • avidbiblereader

    I have a lot of female friends via work and so forth, not one do I want to be with.

    I am with my best friend already, why look for another.

    I think it comes down to the core of the person and being realistic with their motives, we all need to check the man/woman in the mirror from time to time. Things can happen to anyone, dont get overly comfortable with the other person and keep it just friends.


  • delilah
    It has been my experience to have some wonderful men friends

    Yes, me too.

    I married a man who became my best friend.


    I have lady friends they`re all married..So anything other than friendship,is out of the question with me.....I need some single women in my life!..Does that mean I have to go to where people are??..LOL!!...OUTLAW

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