Fair enough. I have a busy week ahead and we must agree to disagree on this subject.
I will make just one last comment which has raised a new issue and which I feel that I can answer briefly.
Why you feel all music should live up to your elitist standards is a mystery to me. Do you demand the same 'honesty' from all arts & entertainment?
Yes, frankly I do demand the same honesty from all arts and entertainment, and please note this, which presents itself as being outside the amateur domain.
I expect a professional musician to be able to sing, play and perform in tune without the aid of technology, or if the work does not require such exacting standards, that work to be presented honestly. An opera singer for example must always sing tone perfect, a Mississipi blues guitarist does not need too if we can read the soul. That is what I pay for. I hold the artist whose sole job of employment is to paint to a more exacting standard than I would a 'Sunday' painter. Refer to my illustration about the computer enhanced Renoir.
The entertainment industry (and I use a broad sweep here) has in the past couple of decades collapsed into a state of medocrity imho and perhaps an injection of elitism would be a positive thing, not something to be sneered at. The line between the professional and amateur are being confused ny technology and not talent.
Anyway, we all know Terry has auto-tune scotch-taped into his piano.
Thank you all for your comments, especially Sixxxyyy, who always puts on a good show.