the R word

by BlackSwan of Memphis 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC
    I was mistaken and I am really sorry for coming at you that way, I misunderstood you. My apologies for that.

    No need. Im used to being misunderstood lol

    I may not be in your exact shoes BSoM but Im not completely unaware of the shoes you fill.

    I spend about 10-15 hours a week with a little boy who has moderate aspergers. He is 7 and does not speak much. When he does it is mostly unintelligible.. I see the looks other people give and their actions. He is not developed enough to understand if someone is laughing at him or with him. He may never develope enough to understand what is going on with them. It just doesnt bother me. If he were developed enough for it to bother him I would help him learn from it.

  • Narkissos

    One of the most difficult things when you use a second language is to assess the "language levels" correctly -- not to sound more offensive or rude or familiar or vulgar or aloof or pedantic than you mean to. As you can't "feel" the exact connotation of any word without having first seen or heard it in a number of contexts you're often shooting in the dark.

    That being said, I generally feel that drifting from one euphemism to another with the p.c. fashion hardly favours true respect for people and differences. It's easier to get along with the last p.c. code in referring to "categories" than to develop a really non-judgemental outlook on real people.

  • BlackSwan of Memphis
    BlackSwan of Memphis

    Ok....I have to run to the store for dinner.

    And I really don't want people to think i'm not responding. I will respond very soon and a quick shout out to Ip:

    I KNEW you were a cool guy. Because it takes a Cool guy to have the right heart and soul to do what you do.

    i shall return....

  • jaguarbass

    Not only that but when you use the word retard you are insulting the President of the United states and his family.

  • gonga

    i have worked with developmently disabled citizens for seven years. i love my work

    anyone who makes fun of these people should try to face tht challanges these people have to face every day .

    i think a lot of people that consider themselves "normal"could not do it.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    This thread is an attempt at politically correct bull spit. How's that?

  • Quandry


    Thank you for this post. I am unaware of using this term; I work in a school where all children are a part; those who have difficulties have a harder time and should never be made fun of. I will be especially sensitive in the future to make sure I never use it.

  • RollerDave

    Now see, I must be thicker skinned than most.

    It doesn't bug me when people make snide remarks about fat people, cripples, rednecks, hicks, yokels, gun-toting madmen, or damnfools; and I self identify as all of the above.

    Would I use any of the above terms on another? well, some I would, some I wouldn't.

    I was once called retarded by an elder by way of explanation why they would not baptise me (anyone else getting sick of me explaining that?) and it offended me greatly because he was NOT mocking, he was serious. If he had been joking, I think I would have been less offended, but still pretty steamed.

    I understand very well the behaviors of the developmentally challenged, I used to DRIVE the short bus! I had quite a rapport with the kids on that route.

    I also have cared on and off for a lil guy with Asperger's, he's my daughter's brother, but not by me. And we got folks who come out and hang out at our place, dear friends, who don't have anyplace else they can go to relax due to lack of understanding about their delayed child.

    Would I use the so-called 'R' word about any of the kids on my bus, or the lil guy, or my friend's kid? No.

    Any other actual delayed or disabled child? No.

    One has to wonder about the actual probative value of imposing restrictions on speech, but that's not what you are doing so it isn't really an issue.

    I have often said that the proper response to speech you don't like is not less speech, but MORE speech.

    Ok, you are doing that by raising your objection and putting forth your warning. Fair enough.

    Also, if you don't like what someone says, don't read their posts. Ok, you got THAT covered.

    Fair warning delivered, you've done your part.

    Whatever my thoughts on other's use of the word, it's not in my everyday lexicon and I'll try to watch it out of consideration for those who have said it offends.

    Hey, I may be a cranky, fat, old gimpy fool but I don't go around TRYING to piss honest decent folks off!

    I guess that's MY two bits.

    Roller (of the 'thick-skinned' sheep class

  • Mary

    This has been brought up before. I think it's rather ridiculous to equat the word "retarded" with the "N" word. Yes, I've use the word "retarded" sometimes (usually when describing the elders or Governing Body members) and I am not making fun of children who are mentally challenged. As a society, we've become so paranoid about appearing to be "politically correct" that suddenly people are taking offense when there's no offense intended.

    I get dumb blonde jokes sent to me virtually every day. Guess what? I don't take offense at it and usually laugh at them. Someone on here mentioned a while ago that they hope someone on the GB get rectum cancer. I had a friend who died from this disease last year, but I did not take offense to this, because I know they were not directing this comment at anyone but the Governing Body member. I could have easily gotten my nose out of joint, because I had cancer myself, but I didn't because there was no offense intended. My father had a stroke last year and it's impaired him to a certain degree mentally, yet he doesn't take offense when someone said "I just about had a stroke when I saw _____ on the news today" because he realizes that it's just a figure of speech-----no one is making fun of him and he certainly doesn't try and insist that everyone refrain from using this phrase because it's somehow insulting to anyone who's had a stroke. I know which thread inspired this discussion, and I hardly think that the person who did that thread was insulting to your daughter or anyone else----it was just a figure of speech.

    What next? If it's so politically incorrect to ever use the word 'retard' or 'retarded', should we also never use the words: slow, dimwitted, dumb, stupid, jerk, or idiot? Wouldn't this be offensive to all the slow, dimwitted, dumb, stupid, or idiotic people in the world (like George Bush)? I mean, where does this end?

  • WTWizard

    I actually thought the R word was "reinstated", as in someone that is once again going to be peddling all that Puketower material from door to door again.

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