It appears that you are putting your sons first. I commend you for that. You and your sons are victims of the j-dubs, so I think it's best that you put their interests first so that they(and you) can grow and move forward and away from this sick cult. In regards to your wife, well, she made this bed and now she can sleep in it.
My wife also 'threw me under the bus' and I have given her a second chance, but she's aware that if she does it again I will file for divorce the following day. You will need to make some serious heartfelt decisions regarding your wife and the future of your marriage.
You and your sons are numero uno, the wife now comes second. Consider it fair play since your wife gives priority to the WT and secondary status to her husband and children.
I'm sure she's said those famous words that I've now heard from both my wife and my mother. "I love jehovah more than I love you".
I wish you well in this long journey ahead of you.