Fade Unsuccessful

by FadingELD 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sarah Smiles
    Sarah Smiles

    The organization seems to not allow normal imperfections that your sons probably are going threw! As far as your wife finding a book written by Franz she should be happy it was not anything marital shattering! How dare her go to the elders that is silly and makes her untrustworthy, she married to you not the elders!

    It is time for you to stand up! That book is not a book you should feel ashamed about or be punished for reading! and your wife should keep her mouth shut! You need to set an example for your children!

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear FadingELD,

    WELCOME to the forum! Your kids are very very fortunate to have such a loving caring parent as you. And a brave one at that! So many are in fear of the elders that they would never be able to stand up for whats right, let alone try to get answers for their doubts. I encourage you to get another copy of COC. I am sure it will be of much benefit in helping confirm to you you are doing the right thing by your kids, and Jehovah and Jesus. Hopefully you will be able to reason with your wife. Please keep us posted as to how things progress and again, WELCOME.


    Lady Liberty

  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    Best wishes to you, FadingELD. I hope you and your family are able to outgrow this cult together and in peace.

    Love and joy to you all.


  • bubble

    Welcome fadingELD (and google).

    I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do. I think if you get df'd and have a fantastic relationship with your df'd sons, your wife will soon be so jealous of your relationship with them that I think you may be able to get her round to your way of thinking.

    Softly softly catchy monkey - as the saying goes.

  • WTWizard

    It sounds like they are going to wrench your wife away from you, and try to get the children to "come back". The good news is that you are the head of the household according to their own doctrine, and you have the right to insist that your children read Crisis of Conscience through before deciding whether or not to "come back". They might realize that they are "coming back" to a scam. That would be the wise thing to do, since you would only be insisting on giving them more sources of information. They would then make their own decisions based on what they learn about the inner workings of the organization.

    Your wife also has to make her own decisions. Likely, the Tower has her so afraid of reading the book that she will not benefit from it. Without persecuting her or forcing her (remember, that's what the Tower predicts will happen), try to entice her to read some of this literature. At the very least, she should think of her own experiences within the Tower. Is there genuine love, or is it all fake? Do the rules make sense, or are there too many stupid ones that make no sense? Does the directive of no independent Bible research make sense in light of the Scriptural directive to make sure of your faith? Are they hounding her to do ever more in field circus? Questions like these would be even better than the book, since those would indicate that the cost is greater than the benefit of remaining a Witless.

  • mann377

    First welcome to the board Fading Eld

    Sorry to hear of your problems Fading eld. Next time the elders meet with you, tell your wife: "welcome to the spritual paradise!" This is what the new system will be like for those that think of the info they are being fed. (remember: there are no bigger fools than those that fool themselves)

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