Have you changed your mind about ABORTION?

by nicolaou 171 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Namaste

    No, I haven't changed my mind. I still think it is wrong and can't really wrap my brain around the many justifications for it.

    Of course, my viewpoint isn't popular so it is never a discussion that comes up among my friends. Everyone just assumes that you MUST be pro-choice. My deeply held convictions on the subject won't change the laws we currently have and I can't see it changing anyone else's thoughts on the subject so I just keep quiet.

  • Skimmer

    I have not changed my mind about abortion; I have always been pro-life. And as much as I detest the WTBTS, it must be admitted that they got this one thing right.

    I have also always been pro-responsibility and pro-honesty as well. I've always been upfront with both topics, particularly when potentially starting a relationship with a woman as I need to know her views on the topic. If a female isn't willing to provide support for a helpless unborn child and isn't committed to finishing something she willingly started, then why should I or any other decent man offer her any support or any commitment?

  • Sirona

    So you pro-life, "no-choice" people,

    if you were pregnant and told that you would likely die from the pregnancy, are you saying you would not abort?


  • James Free
    James Free

    Still think it is wrong. I don't judge others though, as I would have done in the past. What others do is their business.

    But I personally do not think it is the solution to an unwanted pregnancy, especially when there are so many who would love to adopt. And before someone asks about what if the mother was raped etc. it is a fact that by far the majority of abortions are carried out as a form of post-contraception and economic repair - not good reasons for ending a life, in my opinion.

  • eclipse
    I have also always been pro-responsibility and pro-honesty as well. I've always been upfront with both topics, particularly when potentially starting a relationship with a woman as I need to know her views on the topic. If a female isn't willing to provide support for a helpless unborn child and isn't committed to finishing something she willingly started, then why should I or any other decent man offer her any support or any commitment?

    Just because a woman is pro-choice does not mean she would selfishly have an abortion herself.

    It just means the pro-choicer is understanding that there are circumstances, like rape - AN UNWILLING PARTICIPANT

    life-threatening ones where an abortion is the only the logical choice.

    How about a girl who gets pregant by her father or by her brother who raped her -

    would you condemn her if she had an abortion????

    It's not easy! it's not a decision made lightly because a woman just wants to kill an unborn child. it is usually a last resort.

    unless you have been in a woman's shoes who is desperate, you can't know what all women's motives are.

    You are missing the big picture. There are more than just selfish reasons for having an abortion.

    I have never had one, but I can empathize with a woman who felt she had no other choice.

  • journey-on
    if you were pregnant and told that you would likely die from the pregnancy

    This is what I'm talking about. Abortion advocates always come up with "what if" scenarios. Some, such as

    one poster here, looks at the money, the cost to society for supporting an unwanted child. This subject is so

    controversial and multi-layered that I don't think there can ever be a good answer. For me personally, I DO

    unabashedly state my opinion that abortion IS murder. It's a harsh word, but it is what it is...(imo).

  • Skimmer

    1. Over 95% of all abortions have nothing to do with rape or incest. They are done only because of "convenience".

    2. Rape and incest are terrible crimes. To compound them with murder is even worse.

    3. A pregnancy that MAY be hazardous to the mother is not comparable to an abortion that WILL kill the child.

    4. Allowing easy access to convenience abortion provides a moral hazard that only encourages irresponsible and illegal sexual activity.

  • 5go

    I have to say if your for birth control, you really are for abortion, because some many forms do just that abort a fertilized egg.

    I am for birth control, though I am for limits on later term abortions as well.

  • watson

    IF, I were to officially vote on a ballot, I would probably go "pro choice." That should cover the very difficult choices one has to make, ie, rape, threat to life of the mother, etc.

    I never really answered the posed question. Years ago, as an active JW, I would probably just gone with the flow, NO on abortion, whatsoever. Now, it is a choice.

  • skeeter1

    That's the problem with abortion. I think abortion is a financial decision. Why? The pregnant mother knows she can't support the child...and she knows the biological father will be a deadbeat.

    You know what pisses me off.....it's the deadbeat parents (mostly dads) who NEVER send any chid support payments.

    I know an engineer who works on cruiseships who owes over $60,000!!! in unpaid child support. Even though he's lost his drivers license & his passport & has his wages garnished...he doesn't care. He's now in another country, where his wages can not be garnished. So many of these deadbeat dads go into cash work (like painting) or move to another state, just to make it harder to nab their paycheck.

    If I was president, I'd run a campaign that put all deadbeat parents into a "CC-type-camp." The deadbeat did work for the US government (we have alot that needs done), and the paycheck goes to the kid.

    It's the kids that suffer. I honestly don't think alot of women want to abort their child. But, they do so as a practical reason knowing that the sperm donor will never open his wallet.


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