Have you changed your mind about ABORTION?

by nicolaou 171 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    Late abortion is one thing but in a way it muddies the water. Think about the 'Morning After' pill. Is that abortion or contraception? If abortion, why? What is being aborted at such an early stage? A human being? A potential human being?

    This all raises even more complex and personal questions. Everyone's ethics and sense of morality is unique which is why a woman must be able to exercise choice.

  • restrangled

    I was always pro-choice although anti abortion for myself, until I saw the debate in congress about partial birth abortion a few years back. It is heinous.

    I am now prolife, but refuse to push my feelings on others, unless it involves the above.


  • Maddie

    I have always thought of abortion as taking a life - before I was a JW, and still do now.

    I don't judge other women though for having a different view point, as it isn't my right to do so.


  • BurnTheShips

    Tertullian: "homo est qui venturus est." [trans: he who will become man is man]

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    Fe2O3Girl (Murderer class)

    No, you are not! I am so sorry you went through it in the way that you did!

    One of the most difficult decisions in a woman's life is whether or not to have an abortion, at least in most cases.

    It is NOT murder.

    "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament." (NOT THAT I THINK IT SHOULD BE).

    It is usually only something done by people in great need or desperate situations.

    Yes, every child should be a wanted child.

    Trying to force people to have unwanted kids can and does often result in some of the most egregious cases of child abuse.

    Just ask any adult who knew they were unwanted as a child, (whether or not they agree with abortion)!

    And those are views of mine that have evolved over time and with personal experience, Nic. Thanks for bringing up this discussion.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    I think I'm more against women that use abortion as a form of birth control, that is criminal. Women who chose to abort like in my cousins case or women who have been raped. That's a grey area for me.

    The reason you feel it's a "grey area" is because that is still birth control, regardless of the reason or justification for having it done.

    Abortion is always birth-control? How could it not be viewed as birth control? It is preventing a birth, period, so it's birth control, whether one approves of the reason for it or not.

  • nicolaou

    So when does life begin? Think about the deal with identical twins. This happens when one fertilized ovum or zygote splits into two, then each of the two divided parts (each now a zygote in itself) grows independently toward full development and maturity just as the average single zygote will.

    This splitting takes place some time after conception, so where there was one unique 'human' are there now two? Is one of those two still the original or are they both? Or neither? In which case have the twins 'murdered' the original human? And occasionally, the new zygotes can rejoin to become one again so what happened to those two individuals?

    It's silly isn't it? I don't mean to make light of this serious issue, I'm just trying to show the minefield that we create for ourselves by being so dogmatic.

    views...that have evolved over time and with personal experience

    Amen to that HH


  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester

    Life is so precious and a miracle!

    For me and mine, I'm a pro lifer. For others, it's their choice. It's none of my business. They have to carry the burden one way or the other.

    Then, perhaps you're actually pro-choice, after all?

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    To make young people responsible, we've got to change the young woman's & public opinion that unprotected sex is ok & better. We also have to teach them that if they don't use birth control - to keep their legs closed.

    And keeping ALL forms of birth control -- including abortion and the morning-after pill (WHICH IS NOT ABORTION, as someon here has claimed) -- readily available to all females of child-bearing age would only help eliminate the problem of both unplanned pregnacies AND abortions.

    The most moral and responsible thing to do is to keep access to birth control available to all women who might need it.

  • Happy Harvester
    Happy Harvester
    Yes, adoption is a better answer than abortion, in most situations.

    When was the last time you had to make that choice, and do you actually have empirical evidence to back up that statement?

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