My heart breaks every time I enter the foyer. I've seen sights that would make you cry - from children to the worst deformities imaginable in adults. I ask myself how a loving God could permit such things to go on. My faith in God has been utterly shattered.
You're a good man Ian, with a good heart. Who among us hasn't asked similar questions regarding God - me included. I don't know all the answers to life's questions, not by a longshot; but the older I get, what I do understand is that our journey on this earth is so miniscule when compared to what lies ahead. The 'order' of the earth is in place. The wonderfulness of it seems to always be overshadowed by the 'ugliness' and downright cruelty of some of the conditions here. Life's a struggle, not matter who you are, even in trying find a connection to the Devine and understanding "purpose". When I was a child, my mother and father took me to a hospital where I met some doctors (several times). One time, a doctor took my hand, we walked into and elevator (thinking my parents were behind me), I turned around facing the front and there I saw both my parents with tears in their eyes standing outside the elevator as the doors closed (things were handle vastly different 50 years ago). Long story short .... how could my parent's allow this to happen? Several innovative surgeries later, I was just like any kid. My parents, though pained, looked down the years to my future and made the right choice, even though I was left momentarialy screaming, not understanding. Today, I'm the one with tears and thankfulness for what they did.
If you want to be 'disappointed' in God, that's understandable, but don't give up faith .... we're all a work in progress.