I talked to my mother about this yesterday and when I brought up how all the scriptures pointed to RESSURECTED anointed and that the marriage was between the entire bride class who HAD TO DIE before the scriptures were to be fulfilled, she seemed dumbfounded and admitted she could not reconcile the new understanding with EVERYTHING ELSE she learned.
Confirmed! Watchtower Feb 15 08 brings the "generation" change
by observador 175 Replies latest watchtower bible
edmond dantes
The so called annointed have proven to be false prophets which means they could not be of the annointed in the first place.Which means that this generation will need more new light and a generator will have to be brought into use as soon as possible .The gathering of the annointed will have to be re scheduled starting from this very day .Now does anybody here feel a stirring within that is telling them something?
Wowwee wow wow!!!
Just got off the phone with JW g/f. After catching up, she talked about the MSNBC spot and the WBTS response, asked if I read it. (Duh!) Had a nice discussion, she put her elder dad (who defended the WBTS as other posters have commented) in his place that the society makes mistakes blah blah blah. She goes on to talk about how people are discussing all these things. (Yeah!!)
So I ask..."So, what is everyone saying about the generation change?" So she asks me what it is now. I reminded her we sat at her dining room table after dinner and read the 1995 paragraphs and discussed it. When I told her, she made the comment they have to change it to keep up with the end on coming. I asked, "so what do you preach?" She says, "I don't. I don't know what to tell people. One thing for sure is I can't tell people going to five meetings a week is going to save their lives." Thankfully we had this thread...I could talk to her intelligently about what's going on. Thank you JWD once again.
All in all, aside from running into a sad, very "theocratic" relative last night who is just worried sick about my everlasting lifebecause I'm not "going to meetings," I have had two great conversations in the past few days with some thinking JW's. It is just a matter of time.
The italian article posted by Nick says something interesting. The artcle says that jesus used the term geretation to refer to wicked unbelievers and not to believers. If that is so, really then in Jesus prophecy about the end wasn't Jesus also refering to generation also applying to the wicked unbelievers today that do not understand the sign as not passing away? and not applying to the ungered ones so called no matter how many millions of new young annointed there are.Such second generation NOT the T"HIS GENERATION" can be likened to the second generation that entered Caanan. These new annointed are not contemporaries of 1914 and the generation prophecy does not apply to them even though the wts implies that it does as as a group, Whatever that means. Does it mean that the generation now is longer because of them or doesnt it. Clever ambiguity.
Can someone explain this new understaing . I don't understand it.
Cannon. problem is that no one knows with certainty what Jesus said about anything that he said. One can only say apparently and seems about his teachings and what is written in the Bible. That is not to say that honest hearted people that look forward to God intervening and bringing relief want to discredit what is sacred but an observer can reason that for thouands of years people have been believing that end will come in their generation. Although I always want that day of relief to come it is self deception to believe in something that does not realize or believing in something that has no true basis or support. If we don not know with certainty what Jesus meant about anything, I cannot apply the Bible so aggresively even though I do accept its direction and counsel and guidance but I do not view it as a math txtbook
People that belived that the end would come again and again in the 1800's the 1900's and now the 2000's were and are deceived because they believed and believe in something that was not true and hence seems not to be tue now because the Bible says that it is impossible for God to lie so he is not the source for false alarms. But based on past false alarms isnt there a basis for at least suspecting error in the present and future alarms? and so now we should wait another century or another thousand years and no one knows for sure what jesus means execpt that one thing is clear Love God and neighbohr. But does God want us to keep on trying to decipher when the end will come? And have our hopes so high only to be disappoined again and again and again. Ist that ike believing in a lie?
Just popping in to say that I now have the scans of the article in Portuguese.
I can tell you this: the article brings much more than what we've been discussing in this thread. It even tells us how to measure a "generation".
It should be interesting!
Will be posting them as soon as I upload them to the web. Stand by.
Wasn't it Ray Franz in his book COC who first predicted that this change would have to come? Anyway, doesn't suprise me, and the way it is "sneakily" worded, I doubt most JW's will even understand the significance of it. Peace, Lilly
Some bigger portions of the article are coming on a French forum (especially, the 95 understanding of the "generation" as "wicked" is mentioned and discussed to an extent)...
Could anybody scan the original English text?
yes ...page 265 of CofC says:
The leadership had made numerous adjustments and now had
few remaining options. There was the 1957 starting date for “this
generation” proposed by members Schroeder, Klein and Suiter, but
that seemed an unlikely choice. ((((((There was Albert Schroeder’s idea
of applying the phrase to the ‘‘anointed’’ class (an idea that had been
floating around the organization for many, many years) which offered
certain advantages—there are always additional persons (some fairly
young) who each year decide for the first time that they are of the
“anointed” class.))))))) So this would offer an almost....So it was discussed in the late 70's/possibly 1980 but not adopted. Instead generation was just extended to include anyone born in 1914, as opposed to those who could remember the events of 1914. Even if the JW wants to assert that Ray is a liar or an apostate, the fact is he wrote this in 1983 or so. How would he have know this "light" unless it was turly discussed.