List of childhood simple pleasures...

by avishai 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • calico

    Making a tent out of blankets over the clothesline.

    Rolling down the hill in our yard.

    Swimming in the ditches after a heavy rain.

    Having a campfire and sleeping outside--till we got scared and went in!

  • avishai

    Talking to your buddies in the bathroom during meeting as long as possible w/out getting caught

  • avishai

    Sledding down a dirt hill on a flat piece of cardboard.

    Using waxed paper on the slide so you go REALLY fast!!

    "Underdogs" on the swingset

  • momzcrazy

    Sleeping through the whole night without interruption.

    Picking lilacs for my dad's desk every day.

    Polliwogs in the bathtub in the backyard.


  • dinah

    Mrs. Jones,

    Funny mud pie story. I have a first cousin who is 6 months older than me. Her sister was four years younger than us.

    She would make mud pies, then we would ride our bikes through them. She would run to my aunt in tears. We still laugh about that. It came up at our Thanksgiving dinner. She says we are the reason why she is so mean. I think we just taught her to stand up for herself. She's awesome,

    My best memories are sleeping really late during summer vacation, that first time you get to go outside barefoot, and playing in the rain during the spring. I still do the rain thingy with my kids.

  • snowbird

    Planting purple hull peas and watching them grow

    Plucking a watermelon and putting it in the spring overnight so that it would be ice cold the next day

    Going to town to get new shoes for school

    Having "the box" arrive from Birmingham relatives and trying on all the old/new things

    Last day of school when Teacher would make ginger cakes and lemonade for everybody

    Getting a new dress all the way from Mobile for homecoming at the church

    The 4th of July gathering when EVERYBODY would come from far and wide and children could stay up as late as they wanted

    Snuggling under covers that smelled of Clorox bleach and Octagon soap on those long winter nights

    Getting up early with Daddy to enjoy a cup of coffee


  • mathilde

    my soft warm puppy sleeping in my arms

    lying on my back in the grass watching the clouds change shape

    pineapple ice cream

    with my parents on safari

    swimming in the river

  • dinah

    What snowbird said.

    Freshly plowed dirt. I always loved gardening time. Picking pimento pepper. Hitting my Dad with a rotten one and him laughing. Most kids woulda toted an ass-whoopin'.

    My Dad playing music loud. We both love the Stones and Waylon Jennings (what a pair--lol).

    Taking my kids swimming last summer, picnic lunch and all. God, we had fun.

  • Maddie

    Playing knock down ginger, jacks, conkers, rounders, swimming in the river, Saturday morning cinema, Dutch skipping. Great memories!!


  • Finally-Free

    Smoking, drinking, watching porn. They're so much more fun when you're not allowed to do it.

    Also throwing a dozen rotting fish at my neighbour's livingroom window.

    Letting off stink bombs in the school audotorium during a school assembly.

    Grossing out girls with big ugly bugs.

    Urinating in gas tanks.

    Spitting in my teacher's hot dog.


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