List of childhood simple pleasures...

by avishai 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    The first wet snow of the season where there was enough to build a snowman or fort for snow ball fights.

    The last day of school and the summer stretched before you like eternity!

    The first smell of freshly cut grass.....letting you know it was officially summer!

    Playing Barbies on end with a best friend.

    Sleep overs on New Years eve, where we would listen to the top 100 songs for the year. I never forgot being so disappointed that "Jerimiah was a Bullfrog" won it one year.

    Trips to our cousins' farm in Wisconsin over Holidays. My parents would pick us up early from school on a Friday and we rode 8 hours in the back of a small car. (Ford Torino) As we made the turn down the #8 road our hearts would race. We would burst from the car, run and hug all of our cousins and then promptly run to the barn to play in the hayloft or through the fields in shear joy with a big dog following close behind. Those were such happy days.


  • Magick

    going out in the middle of a hurricane and falling backwards, letting the wind hold u up.

    swimming in the street after a long rain

    the last song of the assembly

    sneaking into a watermelon field and filling up the car with watermelons

    raising your hand in the meeting and NOT being called on

    getting an ice cream cone after a whole day at the beach without water or food

    going to the bathroom during an assembly and walking very slowly

    spending the night at a friends house even if she gave you head lice

  • avishai

    A good dog.

  • worldtraveller

    Watching our first snow fall on the Christmas lights at night. NO, wait, that was last night-looked wonderful.!!!!

  • dinah

    Yeah, gotta have the dog. Take him to the river and let him swim.

  • DJK

    Sledding and biulding snow caves.

    Camping and fishing.

    The girl next door.

  • ninja

    hiding under the stairs at school where I could see up the girls least until one of them told miss dickson......

  • avishai

    Playing Star Wars, indiana jones, etc.


    ..Making faces..Fighting Over SweetsFighting Over Sweets..Getting rid of the Candy..Queue For ToiletQueue For Toilet..Digging for Gold!Picking NosePicking Nose..Running through the sprinkler..Running Through A SprinklerRunning Through A Sprinkler.....Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Magick

    girls don't dig for gold and tell


    i did run through sprinklers


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