Do all men cheat?

by Save My Soul 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Once again, The Message Bible:

    Matthew 5 27 -28 "You know the next commandment pretty well, too: 'Don't go to bed with another's spouse.' But don't think you've preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed. Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body. Those leering looks you think nobody notices—they also corrupt

    Whew! That leaves us gals free to lust after men though, don't it?!

    Nope. This applies with equal force to females as well as males. But, I suspect, you know that.

    Looking with appreciation and admiration at the opposite sex isn't the point here either. The point is lust - desiring something you have no right to.


  • anewme

    Last night I treated my husband to a key lime pie lick-off.

    Women, make your man feel like you are thinking about their bodies all day long with longing and lust.
    Describe for them what you are going to do to them when they get home. They absolutely LOVE THAT!
    Then of course, do it, and give them something to think about and day dream about for the next
    few days. This healthy exchange of lusty talk and activities draws their hearts and souls to you.
    It is so important that you make them feel desired. You might love them, but you MUST SHOW IT in a way they feel it. Men want to feel desired. You must find a way to keep that fire burning in your relationship or they will look elsewhere for it. It is just human.

    And the same is true for women of course. Men, every time you walk through a room where your wife is, make sure you touch her tenderly in some way. Smooth her hair, pat her butt, stroke her back, whisper into her ear how much you love her and her soft body.

    Do these small acts of loving connection frequently, daily, and it will help to keep your mate from straying.

  • 5thGeneration



    Jesus was referring to "longing" for another woman. Actively desiring and fantasizing about another woman.

    Not a random passing thought which most men (you no doubt also assuming you have the dangly things) have on occasion.

    Even Jesus himself as a man and human being must have experienced some natural urges for the opposite sex that he must have suppressed.

    I've been loyal to my wife for 16 years. Don't try to take away the odd fantasy!

  • 5go
    Well geez 5go, I didn't think I needed to precede my comment with "in the area of male female interaction with a party that is not one's spouse". And I still think the simplest way to consider it, is to imagine your mate in the same situation.

    Seeing as if I bothered with marriage it would most likely an open one it would just about impossible for me too.

    She would literally have to get a divorce and marry the other guy for me to consider it cheating.
  • Finally-Free

    My right hand recently caught me red handed, so to speak, cheating with my left hand. The situation got really "out of hand" at first, but it was soon resolved with a threesome.


  • 5go
    My right hand recently caught me red handed, so to speak, cheating with my left hand. The situation got really "out of hand" at first, but it was soon resolved with a threesome.

    Menage a trios nerd style

  • freyd

    No all men don't cheat. But they think about it. It's the flip side of are all women whores. No but they think about it. LOL

    Anybody remember that TV show about 25 years ago..."I'll Do Anything For Money?"

  • R.Crusoe

    There are definite differences in the roles men and women are trapped inside and what prevents each exploring relationships so they find a better match for each other. For example the man has to work himself up to make all the moves which will have some stressed coz they've probably taken years to build up to it. Then the woman has to expect the man to make the move and just push him off when she's not interested. Maybe this is why some situations between male and female are so fraught with confusion and frustration. And some guys getting too forceful/forward are breaching boundaries. Whereas a guy never feels that fear coz it would take 3 or 4 women to pin him down and take advantage of him successfully and women don't usually go around in gangs - though I have heard of some very unfortunate males who keep this quiet because it's traumatized them. So all these sorts of things influence the general attitudes of males and females! The guys are lucky coz they never get pestered and the gals are unlucky coz it's intimidating. Maybe role reversal is the solution?

  • lonelysheep

    I don't know all men so I can't answer that. I'm not changing the subject to women because THIS thread is about men.

    I do believe MOST men do and don't think twice about it. Sex is afterall, a physical act rather than an emotional one. Emotions get tied to it purposely, though they truly are separated. It's just a shame more people do not have the courage to honestly communicate that they want an open marriage. Many will not do that because the openness would be on the part of both partners rather than just the one initiating the stance simply because that person looks at the relationship as owning the other rather than being their friend.

    Do you know of men / women that cheat on their spouse regularly? Worldly or witness. Provide details of the circumstances (strip clubs, business trips, girlfriend in other cities, ect..........).

    My brother in law cheats on his wife constantly has never had the dignity to admit to his wife that he does not want to ever be sexually monogamous with anyone. This is only a problem because she doesn't like when he gets caught. He is 39, btw.
    His bachelor party had strippers/prostitutes and he got a few bj's that night. He has girlfriends in the city he works in. NSA sex with whomever. Normal guy stuff - his opinion.

    I am starting to feel that despite NOT being a witness, I am truly an anomoly, a faithful husband.
    I'm thinking maybe you want to find validation for what you're thinking about doing...

    Does this bother you? Do you think you're possibly wasting time not f'ing anyone else? Have your thoughts on sex and marriage changed? I don't need answers....just posing these q's to you.

    ~I have never cheated on anyone, especially my wife. However, as I have told the wife in the past, I'm a good dog, but you have to pet me once in a while if you expect me to stay on the porch. Hopefully, I get "petted" tonight.

    ~I wouldn't risk losing her for 18.9 seconds of pleasure!

    Those made for good reading. :)

  • nomoreguilt

    The PO of the cong I was associated with was a great friend of mine. Married, the father of 2, very devoted outgoing wife. He made great money working for himself, which placed alot of spare time on his hands. He was very charismatic, deep knowledge of the truth. Could get up and give an hour talk without notes at the last minute, just his bible in hand. You couldn't help but just love the guy. He served on many judicial commitees when Df was necessary. Right around 2000 his wife divorced him! SHOCK!!! Come to find out, she told my ex and I this, he had been having affairs all his married life!!! Over 30 years!Not just one here and there, multiple woman at the same time( not group sex)LOL, say seeing one or 2 while seeing a 3rd. And all the while serving as an elder or MS. Do you want to hear the kicker?????Even with the divorce??...................... Hold on, I'm getting there.............................the suspense has to build................................oh, his son and my son are still best of friends.......................After all the drama of his tainted life..............................the brothers in the congregation ....................................DID NOT DISFELLOWSHIP HIM!!!!!!!!!

    There is no disclaimer here folks, just the cold hard facts.

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