Do all men cheat?

by Save My Soul 151 Replies latest jw friends

  • avishai

    It would be interesting if the above husbands would respond to the question from the Biblical perspective, "Have you ever looked upon a woman so as to have committed adultery in your heart". Many acknowledge that they masturbate. What about a man who does so while looking at a picture of a nekkid woman? (like Whoopi Goldberg)

    Well, since I think that a great deal of the bible is BS, I'm not gonna respond.

    Point taken. I look at cheating as penetration with / from someone other than your mate. My wife disagrees, but oral is not (really, really bad)cheating IMO, just loose conduct. Right or wrong, this is my perverted warped view. It is bad but...............

    I disagree, that Bill Clinton excuse is just that..

    I had an ex cheat on me with another woman, and use that excuse "'It's different!!" I said, fine, you get to mess around w/ other women, so do I!" NO, you don't understand, it's different!!" How?

    Here's my post on that situation...

  • Shawn10538

    Unfortunately it's always the same 10 or 12 guys that are sleeping with all the women. Guys like me, who have never cheated in any way, are just not appealing to women apparently. My faithfulness in relationships has never bought me any points. But my girlfriends have more than once cheated on me with some other married guy. Why is a single guy so uninteresting to women, and why would women (not all of course) RATHER SLEEP WITH SOME GUY WHO IS ALREADY SLEEPING WITH 6 OR 7 DIFFERENT WOMEN AT ONce than sleep with their partner? I have come to believe that women are actually more interested in looks than men are. All the guys I see with girlfriends in my area all look the same. Shaved head with go-tee (no clue on the spelling. They are all ripped, bad looking, tatoos... real bad asses, and the girls love them. So much for intellect. If you are a fat bald man at 38, your chances of getting with someone are prettyu sl;im, especially if you don't have a lot of money. In other words, I'm shit for women. I go this dating site where everyone has a picture posted etc. Even the really large ugly women are hooking up with these stud muffins. These guys must be banging dozens of women at the same time. I haven't had sex for over two years, since I was engaged.

  • Finally-Free

    I'm just glad I'm single so this is no longer an issue for me.


  • sweetstuff

    your husband wrecks the car killing someone, and blames it on you is it any better? What if he seeks forgiveness, and makes does up for it? Are you still going to leave him?

    If some does something you do not like, then seeks reconciliation, will you reconcile? If not, don't marry you won't like it much.

    Nice of you to assume I haven't had any experience with marriage, here's a newsflash for you 5ago, I was married, for eight years, not only was he an alcoholic, verbally abusive, emotionally abusive, he also cheated. Without protecting himself, or me. Yeah, waiting for the HIV results was so fun! How petty of me to think that's a big deal. I suffered alot of crap in my marriage to him, most of which I will not go into here, but you know something? He went to detox, begged how much he was sorry, he would change, get help, yada yada, I took him back, I reconciled, because at the time, I still loved him and wanted my family intact. Guess what? Here's the shocker...he didn't really change, he said what he thought would win me back, that simple. Once he was all comfy, it was the same old crap again.

    You can't fix anyone, you can't change anyone, change only comes from within and has to be extremely, deeply motivated by the person themselves, in my case, his "love" for me wasn't enough, the love of his kids wasn't enough to make him change what he needed to. So I am not talking outta my a$$ here. He didn't deserve my love or devotion, period. He was a selfish child who isn't willing to grow up and take responsibility for himself, thinks "I'm sorry" should make it all better, regardless of what he has done. So, yeah, now, I wouldn't ever take a man back after cheating, because, if he cheated in the first place, he doesn't deserve me. Because I would never do that to someone I love.

  • avishai

    Special place in Hell for people who have kids and cheat...

  • sweetstuff
    If you are a fat bald man at 38, your chances of getting with someone are prettyu sl;im, especially if you don't have a lot of money. In other words, I'm shit for women. I go this dating site where everyone has a picture posted etc. Even the really large ugly women are hooking up with these stud muffins. These guys must be banging dozens of women at the same time. I haven't had sex for over two years, since I was engaged.

    I have to disagree with you there, where I live, I see lots of short, bald, fat guys with very pretty girlfriends, and they look pretty happy. Alot of women don't want the "badass" type. What age group are you looking into for dating prospects? Perhaps you are looking for girls instead of women? Just a thought.

  • beksbks

    Nice to meet you Sweetstuff! You've got a lot of sense!

  • sweetstuff
    Nice to meet you Sweetstuff! You've got a lot of sense!

    Why thank you Beks, nice to meet you too.

  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel

    5go...I can't believe what I just read in your post??? I can't believe you really think that it's alright for someone to cheat on you.., so let me get this straight and correct me if I'm wrong...If what you're saying is that if you were in a relationship you wouldn't care if your partner was cheating on you? If so, does that mean that you don't care if you were in an exclusive relationship or just in a casual relationship? I'll be anxious to see your response to these questions.

    And no, I don't believe that all men cheat. My first husband did, which of course effectively ended the horrible, crap, worhtless marriage. But I'm extremely, happily married to Caedes and he doesn't cheat, which is the most important thing. It depends on who the person is doesn't it and what kind of relationship they are in? If they aren't happy, then they will find someone else I think. But if they truly love the person they are with, they would stay with that person for rest of there lives. It's not that difficult people...don't cheat on the person you're with if you love them!!! It's just being a good person, being honest and true to the person you are with. If you are wanting to be evil, then you will cheat and deeply hurt the person you are with, including putting that person through possibly deeply emotional and scarring problems for the rest of their lives. Once cheating has taken place, then there is no more trust and no more love in the relationship.

  • Calico Ethel
    Calico Ethel

    duplicate post

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