still considering going back to meetings...

by oompa 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    I am recently divorced from a woman with a very strong attachment to the org.

    She did not take kindly to my decision to leave my post as an elder and drop away from the organization. I thought may times about going back to the meetings "for the sake of the marriage."

    I finially decided against going. mainly for my own sanity but also because I know the response I would have gotten. Going to the meetings was never enough. I can visualize my ex speaking to me in her voice inflected with a spiritual superiority:

    "you should be going to the meetings anyways, and not wait for a therapist to tell you. And also, when are you going to go out in service and be an elder again.. and when are we going to have a family study again... and I want you to pray at meals again.. and not just those meaningless prays but something meaniningful... and i want you to help me with my presentation... and why are you such a lover of money... and on and on and on ......?"

  • oompa


    So where are all the husbands or wives who got their partner out by staying totally away????..............oompa

    For some reason there are more experiences here of mates being perhaps helped out by one's going to some meetings....anybody notice this?

    Sweetstuff: Ok, this is how I see it, IMO. You have already been very clear with your wife, that you love her, want your marriage, and made your stand to her regarding the org.........................OOMPA WAS PRETTY SURE ABOUT THIS UNTIL YOU PM'D ME TO VISIT YOU IN CANADA YOU YOUNGSTER!

    Gringa and Sweetstuff I really do appreciate many of your points....they are well thought out give me a lot to consider. Since my wife and son know I do not believe....I would remind them of that before ever visiting the hall again.

    Hear this all ye faders!!! If there is a greater chance of getting my and son out by going to a few meetings and keeping some ties with old friends....then i THINK I might could tolerate that pain and agony. If the only other downside is that some dubs like full seats and my presence my encourage them....which is a stretch....I should go. There does not really seem to be any serious downside to attending some except for my own discomfort.

    On the other hand, my wife skipped bookstudy this morning for NO GOOD REASON! So just like I could go a bit and stop if I want, I may as well test the I"M OUTTA HERE plan since I have only been to one meeting in three or four months. I did not decide that til writing this post...but since the OUTTA HERE plan is already in place....I may as well see how it works....By the way my real friends....just two or three still call me and are social.........I think they always will and I have them pegged as soon to depart.....thanks all soooo much..xxx000...oompa

    has anyone else here been smacked by sweetstuff?????

  • Gringa

    Ok, then, our work here is done.....

    But, don't dismiss me so easily about the full seats. Trust me, the elders do take a count of the filled seats, you should know this. If they were sitting there in a half full hall and halls were closing due to poor attendance, I do think it would cause some to wonder. Filled seats mean that they are doing SOMETHING right, their work in the door to door service is paying off and the CHILD MOLESTATION scandle didn't hurt them at all.... Jehovah is winning the battle. Numbers still increasing even after Satan's most recent attack on the Witmesses. I can see it now in the Watchtower....

    I am only adding these remarks because after all we had to say, this is all you seemed to comment on......... you don't seem to think it is a big deal, at all. So, that is ok, I don't care what you do, but don't continue to delude yourself with BS to make yourself feel better about what you are doing.

  • lawrence

    oompa - wide is the road that leads to destruction - and the WTS has toll booths all along that road with the others. It's your life, why waste it? As others said, "it will never be enough to go to meetings." Never enough, are you ready to lace up the preacher shoes, and go shoot the shit with the hypocrits - have fun. Comedy or not, why perform before brain dead automatons?

  • sweetstuff
    Sweetstuff: Ok, this is how I see it, IMO. You have already been very clear with your wife, that you love her, want your marriage, and made your stand to her regarding the org.........................OOMPA WAS PRETTY SURE ABOUT THIS UNTIL YOU PM'D ME TO VISIT YOU IN CANADA YOU YOUNGSTER!

    Umm, please refresh my memory about pming you to come visit me in Canada, lol, I must have missed writing that one!

    P.S. I only smack the ones I think highly of, blame it on the JW upbringing.

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