What Has Happened to This Place!!??

by journey-on 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    Journey-On, the only thing missing are the lions.

  • Snoozy

    Abandon...I don't know why but your post has me cracking up!....

    How do you behead a smiley?....That's so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Abandoned

    Abandon...I don't know why but your post has me cracking up!....

  • nvrgnbk

    Abandoned is one righteous MoFo.


  • journey-on

    Bisous, the lions will be along shortly.

    All I want to say before I turn in for the night is: JWD rocks! Those of you who "know", stay vigilant. The WTB&TS should be kept in the spotlight and exposed for the cult they are. JWD is a place of refuge for those leaving the org and should be a safe house and an encouraging place of respite. Don't allow it to deteriorate into a SOAP OPERA. That takes away from the true purpose of its mission. JWD is a family and, as a family, it sometimes shows its dysfunctions. But, get back on track and proceed forward with Truth. Forgive one another and encourage each other. Those of you who are the mature ones and who have wisdom and insight, give it freely.

    What Has Happened to This Place?!! It has faltered briefly because loving and caring people were duped and tricked by shiesters and liars. The"vibe" changed. Change it back to the open, warm. and caring place it used to be. If someone has faltered, simply say: "You are forgiven. Go, and 'sin' no more."

  • LoverOfTruth

    Other than the Trevor incident, I don't see much difference. The same ole family of "normal" ex- JW people with everyday concerns.

  • journey-on
    Those of you who "know", stay vigilant.

    I'm outta here!

  • Frank75
    now you see why he has only 3 posts left!

    Buy a clue Frank, sigh.

    If clue" is Dyke talk for tickets to the Lesbian Christmas ball, I'll take two.

    My buddy and I like to watch if the girls look half decent. Send me a pic of you and your squeeze and I'll let you know how you score.

    But seriously, you didn't have to go show everyone the glove fits you so well.

    I could have been talking about any of the Mod's or it could be just something harmless and funny to make people laugh and lift the mood.

    But oh no! You have to come right in on cue, Guess Who Everybody!

    Way to go!


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben

    Journey on - I know what you mean. There was always fluff, which is fine, but now I don't see much in depth discussion of the creation/evolution/science/religion/cult stuff like I used to.

    Well, do we leave (and I was always a "here a while, gone longer" poster) or do we do something about it? I recently heard Alan F is "disfellowshiped" from the site! Few people realise that they are indirectly indebted to this man for their freedom, and perhaps his absence has something to do with the "dumbing down" of the science/creation oriented posts. My freedom is in large part due to Jan Haugland, who was helped by Alan. I have helped others in turn. Thank you again Jan. Alan, I have never said thank you, but I thank you sincerely.

    This site has evolved from a PRO-JW site to an ANTI-JW site largely through a democratic process and through the research of people like Alan. Duh!

    P.S. Quote:

    If our dear Nate hadnt caught him we would have all still be loving him & nutering him Right?

    You did mean neuter, right? He he! :)

  • bikerchic

    Frank two words then I'm so through with you. GROW UP!

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