I will be stuck to this computer and holding my pee, until you tell us!
Devastating post coming next year
by darth frosty 112 Replies latest jw friends
wha happened?
ok newsflash, Prince announces he the GB and fires the former GB. The GB responds by painting the word "Slave" on their faces. Prince then bans all education. WT is presented by a never ending stream of his CD's.
"Mothership" is already available wherever CD's are sold. I would recommend playing "When the Levee Breaks" at full volume outside the KH.
Swing down, sweet chariot stop and let me ride....
When the Mothership Connection comes you better be ready to go!
The Preaching Work is FINISHED.
Theme "Jehovah's Spirit will not always strive with mankind"
Great Crowd being sealed now. By end of next few years.....Those who are in are IN....those who are out will then be OUT. This is your LAST CHANCE.
Signs of preaching work finished: Bethel on skeleton crew for past year; cutback on printings and publication issues; lack of entheusiam in field work and lying on time cards; rats leaving sinking ship because they see what's really going on...etc
The INNER CIRCLE is forming. Time formerly spent door knocking will now be spent on preparing for the Paradise Existence. Inner Circle activities will replace the door to door work. (keeps them away from strong worldly/apostate influence)
Language Class. Because so many have "gone beyond" wbts teachings and have ventured to learn Hebrew there will now be classes scheduled. Many, (unenlightened to the fact that "pure language" is a euphemism for "truth") believe that "Hebrew" is the pure language that will be spoken. Congo will now hold Hebrew language classes. Of course, there will be a FEE for this (wbts now will raise funds directly through its members without outside influence) Sell all you have and come buy this pearl.
New Old Agenda: LAST CHANCE
is this the last last last chance, or just a new last chance to be followed by more last chances? It's sort of like those businesses that are always holding "going out of business" sales, but they never actually go out of business.
Sounds ominous.
Black Man
hahahaha.......you all are funny!!! Well, Darth should we give them some more hints? Well, let's just say it will be intriguing from an information AND access standpoint. What a tease :0
Devastating post coming next year: (My guess)
"We were wrong... Everyone is going to Heaven"...
Well for the first time in awhile, Im not "in the know". I hope it is good and exposes the Tower for what it is.
Nathan Natas
Brothers and Sistas, it is only a matter of days or weeks, certainly not months or years as in previous generations. Let us dwell on the words of Dubbusters 3:16 --
Venkman: This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions.
Mayor: What do you mean, biblical?
Ray: What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor... real Wrath-of-God-type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies.
Venkman: Rivers and seas boiling!
Egon: 40 years of darkness, earthquakes, volcanos.
Winston:The dead rising from the grave!
Venkman: Human sacrifice, dogs and cats, living together... mass hysteria!It is closer than the inside of your eyelids...