God is patient

by freedomfighter 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gopher

    Just a couple things to consider --

    Perry just said that without God, there is no basis for authority. Let's assume the Christian God is the true one, so that about one-third of earth's population comes under his authority. What about the other 2/3 of mankind? Since their God is false, are they just as bad off as those who have no God at all? The Bible says its God is the only true one.

    Well constructed laws and even-handed justice are the basis for good authority. America is a secular nation that attempts to be a nation under the rule of law, rather than under autocrats or theocratic figures. This makes for an atmosphere where people can believe or not believe, as they wish, without pressure from the government to stop such belief.

    As far as "an atheist should be an anarchist", this goes back to the old saw that atheists cannot be moral because there is no deity telling them to be so. I think both believers and non-believers can be good, moral people if they so choose.

  • Perry
    I'm just wondering, what exactly do you think heaven is like?

    Well, it is definitely not an external force working to prevent sin if that is what you are wondering. Here's a few ex-witnesses with a before and after comparison of the habitation of the Holy Spirit...... In case you missed this on one of my other threads.


    Peace to everyone and God Bless

  • Caedes
    What is it about God's plan of salvation don't you understand? He offers to take the punishment deserved by us and to direct that wrath toward his own being that he wrought on the cross. Then, while we are still alive he offers to inhabit us by means of the Holy Spirit so that our victory over sin can be increasingly experienced now as a testimony to his glory.

    That is a difficult question to answer since I have no idea what your interpretation of scripture would be. Since I have no basis for believing in even the most basic premise of your faith I will have to answer based on what you have posted. Aside from your assumptions that there is a god and something called holy spirit and someone called jesus, you have assumed that we deserve punishment (on what basis?) The person responsible both for our existance (and sinful nature of course! ) and judgement can also save us from himself and for what? For his own glory and worship! Wow that's some deal you have there!

    Suppose you broke a bunch of traffic laws and you went before a judge and just after he totalled up all the fines, a stranger walked up and whispered in your ear that he'd like to not only pay your fines but also to magically make your desire to drive wrecklessly go away. Would you take the offer?

    Well I would have to say no, I did the crime so I will pay for it. I am an adult and I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I certainly dont want to have my free choice taken away. I drive responsibly because I am an adult and am aware of the damage I could cause if I don't. I certainly don't need to be lobotomised in order to obey the eminently sensible traffic laws.

    What about you? do you only obey the law because that is what it tells you to do in your holy book or church or because your pastor told you?

    As children of wrath made fit for destruction, our natural tendency is to push the stranger out of the way, grab the baliff's gun and shoot the judge, thus eliminating the threat to our unbridled self-determination. Ok, so I watch too many action flicks, but you get the point.

    Made fit for destruction? Only according to you and your interpretation of christianity (roundly rejected by most christians I might add) No, our natural tendency is not to start shooting people who are simply doing their job of ensuring safe streets for people to drive on. It might well be your tendency in which case I'm very glad that your religous faith stops you from going postal everytime you get stopped for speeding (please dont stop the praying! )

    We simply do not want him by nature, religion,sometimes yes - God, no. So, we seek to do what you are doing. What I personally think doesn't really matter. You'll have an opportunity to present your case on Judgment Day. Unless of course you choose to listen to that whisper and enter into a "plea" agreement.

    Lot's of people do want some kind of god figure in their lives, you only need to see the reaction some have to the rise of atheism to see that god is tremendously important to some people.

    You seem to be claiming my path is the easier one, that may well be in some areas, not so in others. What do you think it is, I am doing, that is naturally appealling to people? I'm intrigued.

    It's good to hear that I will get a fair trial on judgement day, I was getting worried there for a second. So as long as I have a clear conscience then I really don't have to do a thing then? I will carry on living my life as I see fit with my eye firmly on the golden rule.

    I afraid I have no voices in my head other than my own conscience of course.

    What you don't seem to understand Perry is that I am perfectly willing to stand accountable for my actions (if there is a god like yours) and if your god wishes to damn me for all eternity for some perceived slight by some supposed ancient ancester (assuming you are right again) then your god is deserving of pity not worship.

    Of course it seems strange that your god seems to share your prejudices, it's funny how often that happens isn't it.

  • Hortensia

    to repeat someone's comment earlier, god is a figment of the imagination.

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