all our species can be lying hypocrits
It's interesting that you take such a dim view of humanity, Perry. I think i can see where you obtained your twisted view of morality.
If I design and build something I am responsible if the item works as I designed it to, If it does not work then it is only me that is responsible to fix it. Your slopey shouldered god can try and deny responsibility but if he is as omnipotent and omniscient as you claim then it is entirely up to him to fix things.
Your desire to condemn all of humanity from the age of birth is your desire, and that desire is entirely incongruous with the concept of a loving god.
Is there freedom in preventing "wrong" choices.
Is there freedom in god killing and torturing millions of people despite not being willing to reveal yourself (beyond all doubt) to everyone on earth?
Our understanding is by necessity limited.
Really, by what necessity?
I would think it is necessary for god to accept us as we are (as he designed us) if his justice is to mean anything at all.