>> We are talking on the one hand about testable claims regarding a putative God who for the sake of argument is good by definition, and testable claims regarding humans who are not. Two very different species here.
You referred to the Bible's god's claims as "testable". How would you test them?
The claims made by the humans are not actually from humans. They come from the Bible, remember? So they are god's claims. God claims that the faithful and discreet slave as represented by the governing body is placed over mankind and we are expected to obey them.
Ok, obviously God DOESN'T claim that. :-) But it's only obvious because you and I both agree that the interpretation the Watchtower puts forth is wrong.
Your views of the Bible's god are also an interpretation, one handed to you by other humans. Unless you have personal, individual proof that the Bible you use is the unaltered word of God. So from that perspective, I don't think the two species are all that different.
>>I've found no unrighteousness in the God of the Bible.
This is like saying "I've found no black in the white". White is white. If it had black in it, it would be gray. If you assume anything god does is righteous, then you can certainly find no unrighteousness in him. As you said, to each his own. It may comfort you, but can you see why it would not convince someone else?