On the sound use of mental suicide.

by Narkissos 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • SPAZnik

    the day i left the dubs, i distinctly remember thinking "the only thing I can compare this feeling to is suicide". ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i had chosen to give them one last chance to "shepherd" me. i had brought out the honesty and as I had suspected they chose to "kill" me with it. (diehard romantic that i was, i think i harboured a secret hope that they would have proven equal to the challenge of being loving spirit inspired shepherds, but ... nope. they have magazines to sell. and propaganda to write. they ain't got no time for this little person. when it comes to real life practical concerns, yer on yer own. it's dog eat dog, and they think/believe they're the bigger dog.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey, at least being "killed" for my honest answers, to the one or two questions they even bothered asking about my situation, very quickly showed me the bloodthirsty nature of the "people" I'd given my entire life to since birth. theirs is a purely political organization through and through and, I now see, has as much to do with "spirit" as the next nose-picking organization. perhaps less. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(naturally, when ya "die" the first thing to leave your body is the toxic waste)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ fortunately, it's not really "me" that has died, but a great convoluted myth that i had been spoon-fed ("rod" most definitely unspared) from a very tender age. namely, that they are anything other than the "business" of life (not to be confused with actual life). so yes, it would only be mental suicide. i was "dying" to discover that honesty was more important to me than the convoluted promises of social schlub's who's narcissistic god complexes and emotional blackmail I do not miss. *shrug* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i'm still working on my own "resurrection", but already I feel like a new person. a person not entirely unlike the peaceful, unaffected little girl i was before I had fully immersed myself into the JW myth tank. yay, SKINNY's back! haha .... and she's ridin' the waves, right NOW.

  • Rapunzel

    Bonjour, Narkissos! In regard to the notion of identity, I would like to offer yet another quotation from Kundera's Le Rideau, and this for two reasons. 1.) Ca me parle, le bouquain et 2.) Je suis paresseux comme tout. I'm really lazy, and I can save myself time and effort by quoting intelligent people. That way, I don't have to think [much].

    While discussing a passage in Cervantes' Don Quixote, in which Don Quixote meets a mad [insane] poet, Kundera writes: "We are laughing not because someone is being ridiculed, mocked, or even humiliated but because a reality is abruptly revealed as ambiguous, things lose their apparent meaning, the man before us is not what he thought himself to be. That is humor (the humor Octavio Paz saw as the Modern Era's 'great invention', due to Cervantes)." Employing paradox, Kundera states in regard to Don Quixote de la Mancha: "How shall we define his identity? He is the man he is not."

    And in regard to your excellent point about laughter, Kundera explains how Rabelais coined a neologism from the Greek language to describe people who are incapable of laughter; he called them agelasts.

    There has long been a question posed; it's been around long enough so as to seem trite. But here it is: "Imagine yourself stranded on a desert island for a year. Which [fill in a given number, but for the purpose of example, let's say "three']] books would you choose to "accompany" you during your stay on the island? Speaking strictly for myself, I would pick the five books of Rabelais, Cervantes' Don Quixote, and Shakespeare's complete works. I suppose that makes me a true "Renaissance man." As a matter of fact, were I allowed two more books, I would choose Erasmus' In Praise of Folly, and any novel by Umberto Eco [Of course, Eco is twentieth century, or is he?]

  • BurnTheShips


    Truly Don Quixote is a trove. The English translation loses a lot IMHO.

    Don Quixote and complete Shakespeare would be my two choices as well.

    The Sancho Panzas on this board frustrate me. Where I see giants, they only see windmills. Where armies, they only shepherds.

    Don BurnTheShips, el caballero andante.

  • SPAZnik

    skinny-ma-rinky-dinky-dink ....

  • SPAZnik

    skinna ma rinky dooooo

  • SPAZnik
  • SPAZnik


  • SPAZnik


  • SPAZnik

    be doo be do

  • SPAZnik

    i think thats the sound of mental suicide. ;)

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