OK - I looked at the photos too, and, er um... yeah. Mmmkay.
'Parades' like that do much more damage than good.
But c'mon. Haven't you always wanted to be a puppy?
by BenV 280 Replies latest jw friends
OK - I looked at the photos too, and, er um... yeah. Mmmkay.
'Parades' like that do much more damage than good.
But c'mon. Haven't you always wanted to be a puppy?
Strange how no one ever has a problem with the rio de janiro carnival with it's topless brazilian hot love goddess's eh?
hmmmmmm give it another 50 years and maybe the blanket sweeping generalisations of the gay community might just be a thing of the past.
I love how in a world where earthqukes kill thousands, cyclones kill thouands, famine kills 100's of thousands, cities are bombed, terrorists blows themselves and others with them and gun toting gangs sprawl around neighbourhoods, the practices of some gay people in the bedroom and them DARING to want to get married can result in such heated emotions
Mariusuk:Strange how no one ever has a problem with the rio de janiro carnival with it's topless brazilian hot love goddess's eh?
Or the Dallas Cheerleaders at an American football game. Nor the Hooter's Girls serving food, or the Miller Lite girls at various parade events around the country. Or the infamous 'show me your t*ts' cat calls in New Orleans and the respective "flash" they get. Nor the bikini girls at WWF. Nor female dominatrix wearing leather, whips, chains. Nor the barely clad women in leather at Harley get together like Myrtle Beach and Sturgis, SD. The list goes on and one. But one is 'flaunting' it the other is 'tasteful', or 'harmless' fun.
But one is 'flaunting' it the other is 'tasteful', or 'harmless' fun.
Yeah...gotta love that f-ed up biblical standard of judgement!
My, my...I step away for a moment and it's all "Ooh, those nasty Gay Pride parades, or Folsom Street, or dildo shops..."
Like I said before, does Mardi Gras mean all straight people are drunken booby worshippers? Ahem, well, aside from Momz' admirers... ;-)
The fact of the matter is that there is just as much depravity stuff i don't like that "traditional" people get up to that disturbs me as there is vice versa. I grew up with straight boys - I know what it's like on the other side of the fence. I grew up with gay boys - mostly Catholic ones that are still purer than the driven snow. It takes all kinds, and there are all kinds.
But being adults the expectation is that we can each learn to tolerate differences in esthetics, desires and behaviours.
Being Americans we can extend the same freedoms and lawful protections to each other.
Most of us being sexual creatures, we can choose what to engage in and what to avoid.
Next up: why all religion should be banned because of the insane WTS doctrines.
Well said Void!
Because I just have to type...
Roy: However, the basic unit of society is the family and the possibility of having a strong family is increased by having both a man and woman.
Oops - wrong. Everything we know about survivability says that diversity is the key to longevity. And, since we know that "traditional" marriages, as often as not, end in divorce, I'm not sure your point is very "strong". Male/female families are stronger? I've not seen it.
Like I stated previously, you typically won't find a float of naked people humping each other at the St. Patrick's Day Parade.
No - but you won't typically find a bigotted group of old men denying Irish participation at a Pride parade, either. Which hurts society more?
Bizzy: Ummmm.......ick....! As an opportunity to display what being gay is all about.......ick! Sickening...........and I realize that this is by no means all gay people.....but it is pretty hard to stomach........
Hey, you anyone that has actually been to Folsom Street knows, this isn't something you can just "wander into". You have a better chance of getting puked on at any number of more "traditional" events.
Shamus: As for gay bathhouses...
Here in Vegas we have way more straight sex clubs than gay bathhouses!
It was acknowledged that no one was saying that the video was representative of all homosexuals.
But masturbating in public is disgusting and offensive by any standard of human behavior.
But masturbating in public is disgusting and offensive by any standard of human behavior.
I challenge that. It may not be to my taste. It may not be very "2008 American", certainly it's not Calvanistic or Puritanistic. But frankly it disturbs me much less than vomiting in public. There are those that are just as offended by smoking in public. At least masturbation is easy to turn away from.
My point is that this is a fairly limited, non-invasive behavior that you can choose to look at or not. And it's not like anyone came across that scene "by accident". Burn put up a big red sign, "Warning! There's gross stuff here at this link!" and you looked. ;-)
You'd call me nuts if I went to Mardi Gras and complained about all the breasts I saw, or the guy that flashed his [oh, insert your own favorite nickname], or the public drunkeness (to my mind a much greater moral failing than masturbation).
It's really quite understandable - condemn a group of people for their sexual sins, and a little steam will get let off in some inappropriate ways..
I guess my point is people already think that we're a bunch of weirdo's as it is - having parades where people are nude, being spanked, dressed up in dog suits, sticking double sided dildo's into orfices... now that's just over the top. People with families don't appreciate that, nor the general public.
We are not weirdo's. We are not pedo's either. We're just normal people who want to lead normal lives. Those parades do more harm than good, IMO and IMO only.
Now it is true that there are cheerleaders, etc. But that's for the majority of the public, which are not homosexual. They are heterosexual, and I don't like cramming my lifestyle down anyone's throat. I'm sure nobody wants that, and I'm not insinuating that anyone here is - but some do - i.e. probably the ones running around mastrubating in public, and being a general jackasses. That's just not okay in my books. I would love it if those parades were toned down - then maybe I'd go.