Those that have read my postings over the past several years know I am not a prude and certainly tend to lean toward the more liberal side of life.
But totally putting the religion thing aside, I would still consider what happened to you a bit weird. Not that things like this don't happen in life, but it just seems strange that it all happens at once. I mean, I have had a couple of girls (women) that I knew in the past look me up and contacted me to see "how was I doing." Certainly nothing wrong with that. People do those things.
But if it was under those circumstances that you mentioned, I would question whether that was the type of person that I would want to invest in.
Then, if we do add the religion issue on top of that (seems like she has the double life thing down pretty well), I would have to ask myself just how trustworthy a person like that would be with me.
Just my opinion. Maybe I am getting too old (approaching the big 50 soon) to objectively analyze the world today and it's time for someone to take me out back and shoot me.
Just a thought.
Rub a Dub