THANKS, Dagney, for your insights!
My first and most memorable professional encounter with SWKT was on the set of YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN during the "yummy sound" scene with Froderick, Inga and Eyegore. I was hired as chef extraordinaire for the duration of filming and kept on long after the wrap, given my expertise in the in and nuendoes of the teutonic tongue and its many subtongues. For the piece de resistance I used the choicest wild cherries of the Bavarian countryside, the smoothest cream of creams and hand-picked cacao beans milled under my scrutinizing eye.
The monster's yummy sounds were not for naught, though it did prove a somewhat knotty problem to whip up a second confection after Eyegore naughtily polished off the remainder of the torte before we were to have descended into the laboratory to invite him (the monster) up for a slice.
We ended the evening happily with a game of charades ...