I remember if I ever agreed with Jan on something (on old h20) I was one of "Jan's fans". If I ever write anything which might agree with Alan F. he is my "mentor" and now, for agreeing with Seeker I am a "groupie". But again, since I agree with bigboi--kudos all around!! Amazing.
Julie : Jan = fan
Julie : Alan F = Mentor
Julie : Seeker = Groupie
Julie : Bigboi = ?????? ?? ??? ????????
Six- questions that don't need answers class
ps. How dare you call me extreme, Xena. What are you, some kinda racist feminazi?
Expecting people who move here from other countries to learn the language, does that make one a racist?I guess to my mind, hearing that statement from anyone who hasen't moved to a foriegn country and learned a new language doesn't make them racist, but I really wonder if they have thought this through. I do hear it quite a bit however. I'm always impressed by the bravery shown, even if it is bravery born of desperation, of poor immigrants.
Not feeling guilty every day because someone of my same ethnic orgin over a hundred years ago enslaved someone of another ethnic orgin, does that make one a racist?Nah, probably not, but then, have you ever really met anyone who actually felt GUILT over the actions of their distant forefathers??? I mean honestly, we hear that word bandied about in this context a lot, but I've never met anyone who, at least as far as I could tell, felt actual GUILT over the slave issue. Having said that, many people, in a perfect world, all people, would feel BAD over the slave trade. It is not a pretty period in history, and if fucked a lot of people. I say go ahead and feel bad when you think about it, it'll keep you human. You'll feel better in the morning.