Actually I agree with 75% of the original posting. Let’s break it down.
1. Government is inefficient and most of our tax money is wasted on ‘pork’ less taxes tend to be conducive to a better business environment, therefore people should be able to keep more of what they earn.
2. Appearing compassionate I have no opinion on.
3. Toy guns and Prozac I agree totally with that line
4. Homeless for mental illness we need to as a nation care for these people; homeless for drug abuse or bad life decisions is simple not my problem and I don’t feel obligated to help these people.
5. I agree being a minority does not make you a victim or noble. However you should be tolerant of others that are different, this tolerance is expressed in allowing them to be different and NOT accepting their values as you own.
6. I agree with the kawanza thing, your choice if you want to do it. It’s my choice to choose not to.
7. I would not move to Germany and expect everyone to speak to me in English why should people move here and expect people to speak to them with their native language. The lunatic left always places racial connotations on this concept it’s a way for them to avoid dealing with the argument. It just makes sense when you move to a foreign county to live you must speak the language if you don’t you will be at a grave disadvantage in the work place.
8. Cops should shoot only when threatened. This is actually a very complex issue.
9. I agree that affirmative action is crap. Telling a white man he cannot have the job solely because he is white is simple discrimination. Just another type of racism. I am unaware of any special loans or grants for immigrant; this does not mean they don’t exist I just an unaware of them.
10. The Taco Bell dog was funny; the majority of Latinos found the Taco Bell dog funny. Political correctness is just a euphemism for the new thought police it is way out of hand.
11. Fireworks yes!!! People need to be responsible for themselves and not create all these laws that exist to protect us from ourselves.
12. Ozzy doesn’t kill people. People kill people.
13. I don’t want to see anyone mess with the constitution either. Out of curiosity what would you all like to see changed?
14. White people living today are not responsible for slavery. It was not our sin sorry you are going to have to find some other reason for your problems. Interesting the people that are so caught up with the ‘slavery issue’ in America do not seem bothered by the slavery that exist currently in the Sudan and many parts of Africa.
15. I am a Democrat and Supported Gore. I hate the lunatic left they make the whole Democratic Party look bad. Its dumbasses like Barbara Lee that is going to get Pat Buchanen elected president.
16. None criminals should be allowed to own guns. Not machine guns or rocket launchers but guns for hunting or home protection. This is another issue that some common sense would be nice. What is wrong with a waiting period to buy guns? Does anyone really need a pistol immediately and if so what for?
17. Hate crime legislation is a complex issue. Actually minorities can get tried with a hate crime against white people too; the law runs both directions. My problem with this law is that it is a step towards making thought a crime. Also like the three strikes law it can be abused. Case in point let’s say after September 11 a Muslim was spit on by a non-Muslim what should the punishment of the crime be? If the non-Muslim is tried as standard assault then probably no jail time if it is tried as a hate crime the perpetrator could spend a few years in prison.
18. Dr. Suess is a genius
What I do not agree with is the way many people on this board and in America today only have the ability to respond to people through their own prejudices. I did not see anything in this post that would label some one a racist. Granted some harsh words on welfare but KKK no. More and more I see free speech being strangled in America because when people do not like what the other side says they simple throw slurs at them. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty of this as well as people on the left and right. Because someone disagrees with you it does not make him or her a nazi, KKK member, or a communist.
So I am going to say even with only a 75% agreement rate I thought this was a good post bender thank you.
Political correctness is the enemy