Here is an interesting responce to the "essay". I CC&P'd it from an email I got when it was going around last year.
It makes some good points, but then I think some of it is not the best either. It obviously came from someone leaning more to the left.
Well, gee, I guess that makes me a BAD American too.
I like medium sized houses, cars, and boats because I also like clean air, water and intact forests.
I believe the money I make belongs to me, but I also believe that taxes are necessary because the services I use everyday that I couldn't possibly pay for by myself don't "just happen" and it's a good thing to take care of our own.
I am compassionate.
I don't believe playing with toy guns makes you a killer, but I want less of the real ones around so I don't have to worry about being shot on the job, driving home, or just taking a walk inthe evening.
I believe the Boy Scouts have the right to have whoever they want in their organization, and that I have the right to not support them if they want to keep certain people out because of who they go to bed with.
I think having unwilling homeless is a disgrace and the my country is strong and rich enough to see that it doesn't happen.
I don't live with my head in the sand when it comes to minorities. I am tolerant -- there are a lot of Americans who are different from me and I don't find it scary in the least;in fact, those differences make this country the great one it is. I appreciate immigrants: it took them a lot of courage to leave what they knew to come here and work their butts off for a better life, and that heavy accent just means they know at least one more language than I do.
I know what SEX is too, and yours is none of my business.
I support the police,but that doesn't mean they can be quick-drawing cowboys.
Sex in what is essentially a home office between consenting adults? See above.
I know how to vote and machines are helpful, but they don't replace the abilities of a human -- after all, that dollar rejected by the soda machine is still a dollar, no matter how many times that machine rejects it.
I know what lying is, and I know the difference between real events that can be proven and whispered (or shouted) rumors and lies.
I didn't take the initiative increating the Internet either, but I'm sure glad the ones who did made the effort.
I think the Taco Bell dog was funny, but making fun of others' accents is not.
I don't think music, movies or video games are dangerous,but you have the right to decide what your kids do and should not have Congress do it for me so you feel better.
I don't think you ever stop being a student.
I don't think our fathers and grandfathers died in wars so our constitution could be forever stuck in the 1700s.
I don't hate the rich,but I don't want to subsidize them with my taxes either.
I don't think being poor is a criminal offense.
I've never owned a slave, but I have benefited from the machinery put in place when slavery was around.
I believe haters who hide under the name "conservative" are ten times more dangerous than any liberal idea.
I could own a gun, but I choose not to and wonder why anyone would want to own enough guns to arm their neighborhood.I believe in punishing crime, ALL crime, but the idea of punishment after the fact won't heal me if I or a member of my family is shot. This won't stop crime, but why make it easier for those who commit crime -- let someone try and stab me standing across the street or driving by.
We get more laws sometimes because nothing else worked and the offenders didn't straighten up on their own after all.
I'm not so insecure to think that I am the only one around that can offer some wisdom and help to my children -- if the"village" helps, good!
I don't like tattoos, but if you do and want to call them whatever you like -- fine with me.
I like movies and there are good ones and bad no matter what year they were made.
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from being challenged -- you have the right to say whatever you like, but you don't have the right to be taken seriously.
I don't think any party or political thought has an exclusive on patriotism - those of good will can disagree and still love our country.
I don't set out to deliberately hurt someone else with my words or deeds...that's just common courtesy and it doesn't cost me a thing. And I'm not changing either.
Yes, I guess by some peoples' definition I'm a BAD American -but my America is gonna last a whole lot longer."