I'm a bad American

by Bendrr 113 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    I like your positive do something to remedy the situation attitude.

    Shooting old dull arrows at the problem, will only prolong the whole problem, but cement our racial differences, instead of relieving them.

    Your tax relief solution for corporations would be great, but the burden remains the same, for all us tax payer's. What happened to the good old day's wherein a company either made it, or closed it's door's? I guess that is way to simple, in the complex world of holding up the economy...maybe it should be allowed to drop without any supports, and come back based upon real production??


  • bigboi
    Not allowing someone a job when they are more qualified than anyone else simply due to the color of their skin is inexcusable; whether they are white or black.

    Affirmative action does not prohibit ppl who are more qualified than others from getting jobs. It simply ensures qualified minorities and women a foot in the the door. That's one of he biggest myths about affirmative action and it just simply wasn't designed or intended to do that.

    Condoleezza (sp?) Rice, Colon Powel, Clarence Thomas, and J.C. Watts are all very educated hard working people why would black people consider them uncle toms?
    I don't think Condolezza Rice, Colin Powell or JC Watts are toms. I believe Clarence Thomas is one. JC Watts is more like a token to me but I don't know that much about him to class him as a tom. If Colin Powell ran for President, he'd have my vote hands down. Condolezza Rice comes across to me as a consummate professional in her role as a National Security advisor.

    Welfare isn't a program that is designed to uplift or better ppl financuially. It is aid to help women and children(primarily) in difficult circumstances survive. If you want ppl to uplift themselves give em a book to read and the education to learn from it not a handout.



    Murder is a tough thing to digest. It's a slow process and the WTBTS's got nuthin but time.

  • Andee

    Hmmmmm, interesting post.

    I have been sitting on the sidelines watching you all duking it out.
    I make an effort to stay out of these types of threads because, well, I'm a LOVER not a FIGHTER

    As a white woman, what has always bothered me about the black community as a whole, is that if a young black woman or man is successful in the corporate world, they have sold out. Or, if they don't choose to "give back to the community" they have some lost some of their "blackness". Or if they don't hold the same opinions as the majority of blacks then they are an Uncle Tom.

    I remember seeing a television show a few years back. It interviewed this group of high achieving black kids. Now, they had to put up with alot of crap from their black peers. Why? Because they were acting "white". Good grades equal being white. It seems that the only "acceptable" way to be successful in the black community is through music or sports.

    I think that is one heck of a burden to carry. First off, there is still obvious discrimination that goes on in this country. So, that must be dealt with. It's not there as much a many alarmists like to think, but it is there. Then there is a pressure within the black community itself. It seems to say "go ahead, go to college, get that good job (as long as we find it acceptable) and then! You MUST come back to us! And if you don't, you are no longer one of us!" So many dang conditions! It sucks! It's like prison within a prison.

    Being a woman who has suffered harrassment and descrimination, I know that it can be extremely frustrating. Yet, if the women of the world sent me the message like the above, I would be giving them the single finger salute!

    I won't even go into the subjugation of women on here. That, quite frankly, could blow the issue of racism out of the water.


  • josephus

    ive thought about the original post,

    the conclusion of the matter, all things beig considered is,

    i like the post. i agree with most of it.

    in short allthough i dont live in america, ide like to be a bad american.



  • ashitaka

    I hate democrats, RAH RAH!!!

  • ashitaka

    I hate republicans, RAH RAH!!!

  • Julie

    Greetings to all,

    What a thread this turned out to be! Woooweee!!

    Glad I warmed a few hearts by agreeing with bigboi on something. I mean the guy actually said something right so it's not like I had a choice or anything.

    I found it very interesting that when I agreed with bigboi I got:

    :Good for you Julie.

    Yet when I agree with Seeker I got:

    :What do you want Seeker unqualified acceptance like you get from your 'groupies'?

    We could see this a variety of different ways. Bigboi is black, Seeker is white. Is that it? Bigboi's view seems to go better with Dannybear's view than Seeker's so that could be it. I paid compliments to my old friend Seeker that I didn't to bigboi, but I doubt it is that. Ah well, doesnt' matter. I am used to being hassled for being in agreement with certain folks from time to time. I remember if I ever agreed with Jan on something (on old h20) I was one of "Jan's fans". If I ever write anything which might agree with Alan F. he is my "mentor" and now, for agreeing with Seeker I am a "groupie". But again, since I agree with bigboi--kudos all around!! Amazing. Almost "dogmatic".

    Dannybear I have to tell you I have known Seeker for years, on a personal level. He is, without a doubt, the least judgemental, most open-minded, unoffendable person I have ever had the honor to know. He does not subscribe to hyperbole or fact twisting and has a great deal of integrity. One more fact about this friend of mine, he will readily admit error or retract a statement that was wrong. I think you are way off on your view of Seeker.

    Just my 2 cents worth--

  • DannyBear


    Unoffendable(?)is not a word that fits Seeker at all. Perhap's you forgot about his fanfared departure from H20 wherein he attested to the fact he was offended and leaving, and he did just that.

    So get your story straight.


  • Julie

    Hi Dannybear,

    You said:

    :Unoffendable(?)is not a word that fits Seeker at all. Perhap's you forgot about his fanfared departure from H20 wherein he attested to the fact he was offended and leaving, and he did just that.

    :So get your story straight.

    Oooh. Ouch. Get my "story straight". You got me. Actually I must admit to having missed Seeker's departure from H2O and the offense that he took. I don't recall dicussing it with him privately so I am completely in the dark regarding it. It sounds very uncharacteristic. I will inquire.

    I will also then retract the "unoffendable" portion of my statement. That leaves this (minus the trivial parts):

    I found it very interesting that when I agreed with bigboi I got:

    :Good for you Julie.

    Yet when I agree with Seeker I got:

    :What do you want Seeker unqualified acceptance like you get from your 'groupies'?

    We could see this a variety of different ways. Bigboi is black, Seeker is white. Is that it? Bigboi's view seems to go better with Dannybear's view than Seeker's so that could be it. I paid compliments to my old friend Seeker that I didn't to bigboi, but I doubt it is that. Ah well, doesnt' matter. I am used to being hassled for being in agreement with certain folks from time to time. I remember if I ever agreed with Jan on something (on old h20) I was one of "Jan's fans". If I ever write anything which might agree with Alan F. he is my "mentor" and now, for agreeing with Seeker I am a "groupie". But again, since I agree with bigboi--kudos all around!! Amazing. Almost "dogmatic".

    Dannybear I have to tell you I have known Seeker for years, on a personal level. He is, without a doubt, the least judgemental, most open-minded, person I have ever had the honor to know. He does not subscribe to hyperbole or fact twisting and has a great deal of integrity. One more fact about this friend of mine, he will readily admit error or retract a statement that was wrong. I think you are way off on your view of Seeker.

    I would be interested in your coments on the *rest* of my post. I mean can you come up with any examples that refute my claims? I would be surprised if you could.

    I wonder, if anyone could be bothered to look, if we could say the same about you after reading all your posts.


  • Xena

    Well I am getting in on this kind of late...but what the heck!

    I have to say that while I don't completely agree with the original post I think that calling it racist is a bit extreme. I found some of the points it made to be relevant...but the presentation could have been better What really suprised me was how some people jumped all over it...I would have thought coming out of the JW org would leave us with more open minds and tolerance of others views and opinions even when they don't correspond with our own.

    I can't help but wonder what exactly consititues a racist? Maybe I am one and don't even know it....Disagreeing with the principle of affirmative action, does that make one a racist? Expecting people who move here from other countries to learn the language, does that make one a racist? Not feeling guilty every day because someone of my same ethnic orgin over a hundred years ago enslaved someone of another ethnic orgin, does that make one a racist? Does posting an opinion that differs from the politically correct majority make one a racist?? Maybe I just don't understand the underlying meaning of this word...if so please enlighten me.

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