I have mentioned these two classes of X's in past posts. I have been on JC's that kicked out some of the dregs of humanity. Unfortunately, I was also involved in DF'ing some people who were simply imperfect, but decent, people. Ironically, I was never involved with any cases of so called apostasy.
While being into JWD the last couple of years I have always kept an imaginary picture of a couple of types of JW's that I hoped were lurking.
One, those still involved but with deep concerns that something was not right with the "Truth" and had no way to explore these feelings without risking their personal lives. Some of these have been emboldened to DA themselves or simply fade.
The other is the witnesses who may have been DF'd for a moral infraction or possible just couldn't cut the JW regimen and have been living under a black cloud of dread that they were going to be destroyed any day now when the big A came.
To me, freeing these poor souls is the most valuable service your forum has provided. It would be good for it to continue, but, as you have already noted, the forums effectiveness has been dulled to a degree by the swarming of some unsavory types who think that leaving JW's was the equivalent of abandoning all decency and restraint.