Why Evolution Should Be Taught

by hamilcarr 360 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Then why did you post an extremely controversial and blatantly incorrect article

    It has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The same may be said for "controversy" and "blatantly incorrect" as it applies in the evolution/creation debates. For the record, I posted the articles as a counterpoint to the trash you copypasta'd to begin this thread.

    BA- Calls a spade a spade.

  • Satanus

    Bro apostate wrote:

    'Looney evolutionists will simply change the theory everytime it's falsified.'

    If you knew just a little bit about evolutionary information, you would know that the evidence for it is growing, and has been since darwin applied scientific method to it. Creationistic religion blanketed england, europe and the usa when modern evolutionary theory made it's appearance and started to take ground against biblical creationism. All the major arms of science support evolution.

  • hamilcarr
    It has been said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The same may be said for "controversy" and "blatantly incorrect" as it applies in the evolution/creation debates. For the record, I posted the articles as a counterpoint to the trash you copypasta'd to begin this thread.

    You're right. It's very easy to use these labels, it's far more difficult to prove them. That's what I've been doing.

    Btw, the article you cp'd doesn't tackle the arguments of the opening article. It even exceeds the fields of biology to criticize a strawman position only held by dead scientists.

  • Satanus

    Ok. Bro apostate retreats to his mudhut;)


  • Brother Apostate
    Brother Apostate
    Ok. Bro apostate retreats to his mudhut;)

    You make that sound like bad thing. It's quite lovely, actually.

    BA- I retreat only to sharpen my spears and ready my weaponry.

  • Satanus

    Spears against laser guided smart bombs, napalm, guided missiles, genetically engineered virii/bacteria, tanks, etc, etc;)


  • Satanus


    'I'll put my faith in God, regardless.'

    Actually, i was thinking of writing that you claim god for your side, in my post. But, it's better that you do it. Since there is nor evidence that your god has done anything for at least 2 millenia, it's a rather long shot, imo. That he did something before that is up for argument, and another topic.


  • mkr32208

    Atheism is not a crutch, in fact atheism doesn't even exist.

    Is there a word to describe people who don't believe that Thor makes thunder? A word for people who believe that there are no shadowpeople? A word for people who don't believe that soviets drilled a hole into hell? A word for people who don't believe in horoscopes? A word for people who don't believe that Milton Bradley cracked the master secrets of the universe via a ouija board and they in turn sell that secret for $19 at walmart?

    No, those are just people. (smart people... Do try to keep up here!)

    To classify everyone who doesn't believe in your invisible magic man in the sky together under your 'atheist' label makes it easier on your enfeebled minds but it doesn't make it accurate.

    Now if you want to talk about a crutch we can talk about religion, however this thread is about evolution not the verbal diarrhea that you insist on vomiting forth about your invisible friends.

    Most progressive churches realizing the overwhelming scientific proof of evolution have changed their beliefs to reflect that god created everything by evolution... This is how well evolution truly is. Many christian denominations have taken up the cry to self protect. Not you however, next you'll say that the earth was created in seven days, start speaking giberish and lobing snakes at people... Thats usually the next step for you cretin-ist isn't' it?

  • hamilcarr
    BA- Please proceed with your regularly scheduled pro-evolution, God-bashing thread.

    Why bashing God? I think calling God a watchmaker is rather belitting. He deserves better. Modern science, at least, has redefined the divine by showing its magnificence in depth and detail.

    If you think pro-evolution means anti-God, please consider this article:

    God and evolution can coexist

  • hamilcarr
    the trash you copypasta'd to begin this thread

    Olivia Judson is an evolutionary biologist at Imperial College London. She graduated from Stanford University, gained a doctorate from Oxford, writes a weekly blog for the New York Times.


    Let the impartial JWD poster decide.

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