Renaii, here is what you are not getting (aside from it being a dangerous and deadly cult) - the new convert believes he/she should be able to go about his/her jw business with impunity. They cannot for the life of them understand why the spouse should be unhappy or that there will be consquences to their choice. When a jw makes a choice to violate their marital vows and put these men in NY above their spouse and the spouse reacts negatively the spouse is vilified by the wt and the new jw gets kudos all around at the khell for their breaking their martial vows for the words and edicts of mere men, the modern day pharisees in NY.
This doesn't just affect the wife and husband it affects the entire family. It affects in laws, nieces, nephews and so forth. My family will not leave their children alone with my jw because he will attempt to preach to them, no he does not have the right to try to indocrinate family members against the parents wishes. That is only one example. I could go on for pages about the effects. But you Renaii do not hear, you may listen but you choose not to truly hear. You read but you fail to comprehend and you lack the ability to empathize with your fellow man. In the jw world the ends always justify the means, get a new convert -get x amount of brownie points. It is really quite pathetic and ungodly.
When a spouse changes the entire fabric of the family there is going be consequences. The other members have no choice in the matter, there is no discussion, that is not a family that is a dictatorship and selfish . The jw can arrogantly hang onto their cultish ideas but they choose not to do their homework and truly find out if they are in fact worshiping men in NY or worshiping God, they aren't allowed and are threatened with eternal destruction. Did Jesus ever work this way?
I wonder if you are married now or have ever been in a long term relationship because you do not seem to understand marriage in my opinion. Part of the reason the spouses of new converts freak out is because they remember the old spouse, the life together before the jw's. I can honestly say that I do not see one, not one positive change in my husbands since he became a jw. Many negative ones all due to policies of jw's but no positive or healthy changes due to policies of the wt. They become different people and shades of the old self are far and few between and you hang onto hope because of those moments. You begin to wonder what will be your tipping point or that you have reached it and low and behold the old self shines through for a little while and you remember, then you mourn again the loss when the jw self returns. And so the roller coaster goes on and on.