What do you think of this-obese win right to 2 airline seats for price of 1

by sir82 109 Replies latest jw friends

  • mustang

    Have you ever worked in aerospace: NO, I'm sure, but I have.

    Have you ever been in the factories where airline seats are made: I have.

    Have your ever talked to or dealt with the FAA: I doubt it.

    My consulting company did a STC on a B707. It was signed off by the FAA, FCC and Boeing.

    Have you ever flown a plane, with responsibility for people's lives: they are called SOB's by the FAA; that is for Souls On Board. I have.

    Have you ever had a battery explode in flight, hit a wind shear and the plane 'go knife-edge' in the blink of an eye while on final approach? I have, w/ passengers.

    Do you understand STATISTICAL DISTRIBUTION? Are you familair with the BELL CURVE? When we do the statistics, we don't have to worry about the popluation of 'mixes' such as 2 x 100's. We worry about an abnormal distribution of the small numbers expected at the high end (right side) of the curve. If large numbers of the 300+ pound people show up, then something may have to be done. That's why we set a mental note to check peopel over certain sizes.

    Smaller planes hit this limit rapidly, larger planes have more margin.

    Don't mention peace and Christ the same day that you go 'Oh, Please' in condescension and ignorance.


  • jamiebowers

    Here's a solution from an obese person: airlines should provide a row or two of larger seats. Reservationists should inquire as to the necessity for such when people arrange their flights. If the larger seats aren't filled by reservation, then they should be given on a first come, first serve basis. I am obese now due to a long famly history and a debilitating injury that doesn't afford me a lot of mobility. When I was much younger and able to devote several hours a day to exercise, I worked myself down to 20 pounds above what the doctor's chart said I should weigh. Even then my measurements were 36-26-48. Yes, my bottom was 4 feet around, and that's only at 20 pounds overweight. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been comfortable in an airline seat. My husband has never been overweight, but he is so thick necked and barrell chested, that he's not comfortable in an airline seat. His company car is one of those little Chevy models, and his shoulders are too broad for the back rest of the seat. I'm guessing anyone who sat next to him on a plane wouldn't be so comfortable with his shoulder always getting in their way.

    Instead of expressing anger against fat people, why not direct it where it belongs? Airlines should provide comfortable seats for all passengers; fat, skinny and those with bubble butts, and barrell chests and broad shoulders and the disabled.

  • Kudra


    Holy $h!#!!! That's like a Barbie. You have an insanely hourglass shape.

  • AGuest

    You are right. All heavy people should lose weight so that airlines and FAA aren't constantly having to "do something." And we don't want any of you having to do anything mental (well, certainly not taking notes!). I stand corrected: it is way more better for the airlines to sqeeeze 150+ skinny people in a plane... and, say, one or two less skinny folk and one fat one. My gawd, why didn't I see it before?

    Oh, please... silly rabbit...


    SA, a slave of Christ, who asserts that she can use "oh, please" and "Christ" in the same sentence if she wishes to and perhaps you should be glad she didn't ask permission to say something like "How long do I have to put up with you?" instead...

  • mustang

    JamieB has the sensible thought.

    But frankly, this is overlooked because designs are done for 'nominal' conditions that are midstream in the realm of possible circumstances. That is why we used the statistics mentioned above. And that is a 'numbers game'. So, at some time, these exceptions surface.

    Having been in Engineering, I've seen the inevitable missing of all possible contingencies having been considered. Then again, they may be considered and minimized. Now, to go in and retrofit is not trivial or cheap. And the "life cycle" of an airline design is about 20 years.

    If it's taken 80 years (~ inception of passenger service) for this to make it to news/courts/attention, then I'm little surpised that it hasn't been considered in designs. That goes right along with the position that this problem has on the "bell curve".

    Hey, I'm OK on doing it: but somebody will have to pay major bucks. Minimzing this to something trivial shows lack of familiarity with airplane design and production realities. The joke about the plane not going out until the paperwork equals the gross weight of the aricraft is painfully close to the truth.

    Here's a thought: 1st Class has extra legroom and such. Make the airlines put them there. This one is going to be real popular


  • AGuest

    that I do find it very interesting that leg and arm space has not come into the discussion... and thet fact that tall people take up WAY more leg space than us short folk.

    I mean, considering what many here've said, maybe I should start getting PO'd at the tall folks who often sit next to me on flight. Maybe I should start openly and obviously squirming away from all those gangly legs and sharp pointy elbows. I mean, who are they to spread their gangliness all over into my space?

    I say that 12 or so inches of leg-spread space is MINE... and they've got NO right puttin' their knees and elbows into any parts of it. And that space UNDER my seat? I paid for that too, didn't I? So, why don't they get their butts up and walk if they need to stretch so much, 'cause I really am gettin' a little more than sick and tired of being kicked in the butt by those who need to stretch every two minutes or so.

    That's it. I get it. Only short, thin people should be allowed on planes and that way NO ONE will get offended 'cause NO ONE will get in anyone else's space. Heck, we're kickin' babies off planes now... why not heavy people and tall people?


  • mustang

    I actually think you have a great idea with this. There are frequently places on the plane where this could be done without impacting everything else: like the place where two seats are by the galleys. Make one of those into a jumbo seat. And we do do "Cost Reductions" in Engineering. I'm always afraid of what we get when we do those.

    Hey, I just noticed: you start JWD about 3 days before i did!!!

    Say Hi to Farkel for me; I fixed something he was talking about (being unrepentently mysterious)


  • AGuest

    Totally accepted, dear 'Stang... and peace to you!

    I actually think you have a great idea with this.

    Indeed (but I think it was JB's actual idea)...

    There are frequently places on the plane where this could be done without impacting everything else: like the place where two seats are by the galleys.

    To mention one. Exit aisles would be another...

    Make one of those into a jumbo seat.

    Or two. There's usually not more than two "heavies" on a flight...

    And we do do "Cost Reductions" in Engineering. I'm always afraid of what we get when we do those.

    Well, the cost you referred to earlier may not be as great. I mean, so you take out three seats and put in two. What's the big deal? Matter of fact, I think they tore out two to put in three!! And... and... think of all the people that don't fly now, due to the squeeze... who WOULD fly! And since the skinny people will still fly, too, the airlines would actually MAKE money (i.e., due to increased ridership)!

    Hey, I just noticed: you start JWD about 3 days before i did!!!

    Whoo-hooooo!! Parr-taayyyy!

    Say Hi to Farkel for me;

    YO! Daddy-O!!

    I fixed something he was talking about (being unrepentently mysterious)

    Were you broken?

    PEACE (finally - )

    YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ,


  • skeeter1

    Do the obese get more peanuts? Skeeter

  • jamiebowers

    Holy $h!#!!! That's like a Barbie. You have an insanely hourglass shape.

    Well, those measurements were before I had to stop working out non-stop and got fatter. And actually, because my cup size was only a B, I think I'm considered pear shaped (frequently called Rubenesque). When I was at my lowest weight, I wore a size 8/10 on top and 16/18 on the bottom. Thank God, my husband loves fat bottomed girls, which is, coincidentally, one of my favorite songs. I always loved a thick neck, barrell chest and broad shoulders, so I guess hubby and I are made for each other but not for air travel. LOL!

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