WHY don't Americans realize GUNS are destroying their country?

by Witness 007 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    Food is a real necessity not cars.

    Yes, but how are you gonna get that food without a car?

    Oh wait...use your gun and go hunting. ;)

  • Anti-Christ
    Others have already pointed this out, but you seem to be missing it. There are at least a couple flaws with your reasoning. First, not all guns are used to commit crimes. In fact the majority of guns are not. Second, outlawing guns does not keep them from criminals. It only keeps guns from law-abiding citizens who wouldn't use them to commit crimes in the first place.

    Very well said.

  • Anti-Christ

    Yes, but how are you gonna get that food without a car?

    Oh wait...use your gun and go hunting. ;)

    But seriously that is my point, cars are a man made necessity. The way things are now it would be very difficult to live without a car in certain places.

  • drwtsn32
    But seriously that is my point, cars are a man made necessity. The way things are now it would be very difficult to live without a car in certain places.

    The same can be said for many inventions that make our lives easier. They soon become something we depend on and consider a necessity of life. Indoor plumbing, electricity, telephones, computers, refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes washers/dryers, microwaves, etc.

  • leavingwt

    Personally, I want a firearm. Even if the evil people are only armed with short sticks or rocks or rubber band shooters, I want a firearm. I don't want to break a sweat, when I defend myself and my family.

    My natural environment, here in Mississippi, includes posionous snakes, alligators and wild dogs. A firearms assists in giving me an edge in the food chain.

    The 2nd Amendment doesn't give us the right, it protects us from anyone that would attempt to infringe upon our rights.

    As recently as this year, in the Heller decision, the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an individual's right to bear arms. Moreover, our new President has assured us that he is not a gun "grabber".

    Would I prefer to live in a world in which firearms are not necessary? Of course. Do I believe that will ever happen? No.

    As with a car or motorcycle, in the hands of an inexperienced or untrained owner, a firearm has the potential to be moe harmful than helpful. I encourage owners to practice regularly.

  • IP_SEC
    A sign of lunacy is attributing personality and purpose to inanimate objects.

    True. Perhaps witness007's wife is posting under his account?

  • beksbks
    As with a car or motorcycle, in the hands of an inexperienced or untrained owner, a firearm has the potential to be moe harmful than helpful. I encourage owners to practice regularly.

    LWT, do you think there should also be background checks for mental issues, criminal records etc.?

  • leavingwt


    I have no problem with reasonable regulations, as long as they do not interfere with a person trying to defend himself.

    I'm not familiar with each State's laws. Here in MS, if you purchase a gun, retail, they clear you with the FBI. I think private sales are mostly unregulated. (The data about guns used in criminal activities have not convinced our legislature to restrict private sales. I'm unfamiliar with this data. Perhaps someone else can chime in.)

    I am a permit holder. They did a background check and they fingerprinted all ten of my fingers. There is a 120-day waiting period on the permit. (Most people call the permit a Concealed Carry Permit.)


  • Anti-Christ
    The same can be said for many inventions that make our lives easier. They soon become something we depend on and consider a necessity of life. Indoor plumbing, electricity, telephones, computers, refrigerators, dishwashers, clothes washers/dryers, microwaves, etc.

    Yes of course but that is beside the point, the point I am trying to make is the only reason that is giving in the media why guns should be banned is that they are use in a wrong way and that leads to the death of innocent people, well the same can be said about cars and not only that cars kill a lot more people then guns in north America we don't see as much debate on the banning of cars but cars kill a lot more people and cause a lot more problems then guns.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    {IPSEC....."A sign Of lunacy....perhaps Witness 007's wife is posting under his name"}..........MAN IF I HAD MY GUN I WOULD SHOOT YOU BETWEEN THE EYES......damn, see my point IPSEC!! See what happens! You insulted me and made me fly into a rage...my gut reaction as a human is to get my nine-milimeter and teach you to dance with my poor aim! It's sooo easy how many pimple faced teenagers in the USA have done it because "Sandy" wouldn't go to the prom. with them.

    Luckily I don't have a gun, and am a nice sensible guy, so I'm not serious just proving a point..LOL joke Simon and admin. folks, me an IPSEC are buddies who disagree..also he does have a gun and scares the crap out of me with his shoot first and ask questions later ideals.

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