WHY don't Americans realize GUNS are destroying their country?

by Witness 007 334 Replies latest jw friends

  • oompa

    Reniaa:So guns are a safety net so you have an efficient weapon to kill other human beings and governments when the time comes?

    The stats In England show take the weapons away and you get less deaths, violence and weapons are not the answer.

    LMAO!....Reniaa will not answer me and admit if she was about to be raped or her kids were....that she would wish she had a glock 9mm under her pillow she could reach!!!.....who the hell wouldnt???.......oomps OMG...isn't it that simple?

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Hey have you Americans heard John Lennons new album?........no......well....niether have I because some friggin nutcase with hollow tipped bullets he probably got at the "Quicky Mart"shot him dead!

    Hows Pesident Obama.....only one assasination attempt so far?.....that must be a new record......most of your leaders are at least wounded by gunfire as part of their inaguration ceremony! lol!

  • leavingwt

    witness007 is clearly trolling with this thread.

    Brother Apostate was right.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    The question on "jeoperdy" last night no one got right......"Which American Politian was NOT shot at during his term?"........?........?.......?........?........? BUZZZZZZZZZZ "Okay lets move on."

    I should not poke fun since I will now be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.....without ever carrying a hand gun myself!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Trolling? But when you guys post Pro-gun threads it's like the most intelligent thread in the universe. What the hell is trolling? Everyone here posts an opinion and checks for a response. Guns ARE destroying your country...that is my opinion so why don't you shoot me!

  • Anti-Christ

    Hey have you Americans heard John Lennons new album?........no......well....niether have I because some friggin nutcase with hollow tipped bullets he probably got at the "Quicky Mart"shot him dead!

    Hows Pesident Obama.....only one assasination attempt so far?.....that must be a new record......most of your leaders are at least wounded by gunfire as part of their inaguration ceremony! lol!

    Yes guns make it easier for nut cases to kill someone, if guns would not exist they would find an other way to kill. Guns do exist so I would like to have one to protect myself from nut cases that own them illegally. I have a hand forge carbon steel katana and I am trained in several martial art styles but I don't have a gun. I know how to kill someone with my bare hands. What we should be talking about is WHY do some kids go on a killing rampage in schools. Guns are only the tool they use to kill.

  • reniaa

    I did warn you winess 007 it's a cold place on this forum if you don't agree with the majority :) welcome my fellow troll :s

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I think it is a little simplistic to blame the high crime rate in the US on guns. I own several guns and have even been out shooting in several years. I used to go shooting with a group of guys I think up to about twenty people at times and none of us had criminal records or went around shooting people. Of all the people I have known who have owned guns none of them has ever used them in violence except the ones who were in a war. I think one of the biggest reason for violent crime is poverty. You also need to factor in violence on TV, video games, the pressures of modern society, broken families and a lot of other things.

    As far as what is destroying this country I would have to say that it should be evident by reading the news that greedy CEO and greedy politicians are doing more to drag the US down anything else.

  • yknot

    My Dear Aussie Brother Witness007

    The right to bear arms (for hunting, sport and protection from others who seek to do harm and wildlife) is as highly esteemed by Americans as freedom of speech and religion.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Me and Reniaa are sitting in the same corner.....outcasts from the tribal councel for having an opnion.....well at least they cant shoot US!

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